Home to Stay

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'Our next guests are newly married and he won two Grammy awards last night. Let's hear it for Hunter and Jenna Hayes' Ellen announced and the music began to play as Hunter and I walked out hand in hand, getting hugs from Ellen.

'Welcome Jenna, this is your first time here with me, and welcome back Hunter, congratulations on your wins last night.'

'Thank you for having us here,' I said, feeling my cheeks redden.

'Thank you Ellen, it was a great night full of talent across all genres.'

We began talking about the typical 'how we met', 'what's married life like', 'album stuff'. Ellen began pressing some more questions, particularly the ones about what's going on in my tummy.

'So I've been told there is something you two wanted to share today? And I have a picture' Ellen points to the screen and there it is, clear as day, my most recent ultrasound picture. The audience cheered as Hunter and I gushed the news. 'We are going to be parents. It still doesn't feel real'

'Congratulations! So, when are you due? This is from your most recent appointment, right?'

We nodded, 'I'm due in July, and yeah that's from a few weeks ago. Like Hunter said, it doesn't feel real yet.'

'Well I have a little game,' Ellen said as a tray of rolled up diapers came out onto the stage, 'You have to open up the diaper and guess the chocolate bar inside.' Hunter actually looked like he was going to vomit. 'It's a race, whoever gets three right wins.'

We get started, laughing and gagging. 'Umm, dairy milk, reeses pieces, and oh henry?' I ask Ellen. 'Hunter?'

'Gosh, uhm, Jenna knows her chocolate. I'll say dairy milk, crispy crunch and mr.big'

'Nice try guys, Jenna, you're correct!'

Hunter and I high five and finish up our interview with Ellen. We decided since the news was out, we should go celebrate with lunch. I'll never be used to the media frenzy in L.A., and today seemed especially busy.

'Back home we go,' Hunter says, loading the carry-on bags in the overhead compartment. 'How are you feeling baby?'

'I'm good,' I said, getting comfy in my seat with a blanket. The flight from California to Nashville isn't terribly long, but something about the time change gets me every time.

It was six o'clock by the time we got home, and we were both antsy for dinner. I stare into my relatively bare pantry. 'Honey Bunches of Oats, pancakes or peanut butter sandwiches' I give Hunter our dinner options.

'Pancakes please?' He asked, his eyes lit up like a little kid. I kissed him on the nose and began getting the ingredients together. Shortly after dinner we found ourselves in bed, exhausted from the very crazy few weeks we've had.

I headed to the grocery store while Hunter headed to his management meeting to receive a verdict on his album pitch. As I was wandering through the aisles, by phone began to chime the piano only version of Wanted. That's Hunter's tone.

'Hey baby, what's up?'

'Not much, I had to call you because the album is picked up and I will officially begin laying the tracks on Monday.'

'That's phenomenal Hunter. I'm so excited for you.'

'And we're also going to the album artwork, mind being in it?'

'I'm sure I can clear my schedule,' I said with a laugh, 'While I have you though – I'm at the grocery store. What do you want for dinner?'

'Hmm, dunno babe. Lasagna?'

'I can do that. I'll let you go, I love you'

'Love you too baby girl'

I finished up my shopping and hauled my groceries to the car. Once I was home, I put the lasagna in immediately, and began cleaning up a bit. I loved our house, but it was so much to clean. Not having pets certainly made it cleaner, but Hunter was right, and especially now having our first baby, there's no way we could get a dog. I decided to shower quick, and I caught myself examining my growing tummy in the full length mirror in the washroom. My legs looked the same, my boobs certainly didn't get any bigger. From the side, my stomach was plump, beginning to round like a melon and looking head on, my belly button was the center of it. I didn't dislike this, but I noticed I had to wiggle a bit extra to get into my skinny jeans today.

Hunter was home by the time I finished showering, he had a huge grin on his face when I emerged from the bathroom, wrapped in my robe. 'Hey Hun, what's got you smiling?'

'Just you, you look beautiful,' he said with a kiss. 'Today's been such a good day. And dinner smells good.'

'Yeah it's ready for us,' I said, slipping into my TNA pants and a loose fitting hi-low top. Hunter caught me examining myself in the mirror, and gently places his hands on my hips, 'Stop judging yourself. You look beautiful.'

'Thanks babe,' I said, kissing his cheek. 'I think I'm slowly losing the ability to wear jeans.'

'You could be in pajamas and you will still be the most beautiful woman for miles.'

'You're too sweet my love.' I said, turning to face him. 'Ready for dinner?' He nodded and we made our way downstairs. So, my appointment is next Friday, it's early again, at nine.' Hunter and I briefly talked about things we wanted to talk to the doctor about, primarily being the topic of sex.

'I don't want you to think I'm just a dirty dog. I can't help that I have a gorgeous wife I'm very attracted to' He said with a wink.

'I know how you feel Hunter,' I said, coyly, 'You're extremely attractive, and I want to keep that part of our relationship as alive as possible during this time.'

'Next week is our third appointment right? That brings us to being four months pregnant. That's a new trimester' He said wide eyed.

'I know eh?' I placed my hand on my tummy, 'We need to like, start shopping and stuff.'

We decided then and there we can start brainstorming various nursery ideas, themes, colours and so on. Hunter cleaned up the dishes and I went to fetch my laptop so we could browse online. 'How about we go the hardware store on Saturday and pick out paint?' I asked. Hunter nodded as we scrolled thorough various pages of cribs, change tables and strollers.

'There are so many options,' Hunter said in amazement, 'I think it will be easier to decide one the furniture colour when we get the paint. And which room did you want to use?'

Our house has four bedrooms, and even I didn't think which room we would want to use as our nursery. 'The room right across from us should be fine.'

Hunter nodded as he closed my laptop and placed his hands on my belly. We didn't say anything, but we just sat in the peace and quiet. 'Let's enjoy the quiet now,' I laughed, 'before you know it, there's gonna be mini versions of us running around.'

Hunter smiled and kissed my neck. We went upstairs to bed, looking forward to the next appointment at the end of the week.

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