Short of Breath

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'Your baby has done a lot of growing,' Dr.Goderich said wrapping the tape measure around my belly, scratching down various measurements. 'I am very happy with where you're at physically. How are you finding everything?'

'Pretty good I guess, I'm staying active, I started going to prenatal yoga, plenty of walking. I am sleeping pretty well too.' I said, 'But Hunter and I were curious, if we had sex could it hurt the baby?'

'No, staying sexually active during your pregnancy is fine, just listen to your body. You may find different positions more comfortable than others. Just go slowly.' He answered. He probably gets asked that a lot.

Hunter and I nodded, and the doctor had me recline to get our ultrasound pictures. 'So you look to be about sixteen and a half weeks or so, Jenna.' He said while the assistant scrolled the ultrasound wand over my belly. 'You'll find from here on, the weight will come on. Your baby is essentially going through a growth spurt and the bones are solidifying. If you keep walking like you have, you'll be just fine.' Hunter squeezed my hand as we looked at the little baby on the screen. 'If you want to get an idea, your baby is about the size of an onion.' the doctor added.

I cleaned up and the doctor handed Hunter the pictures for this visit. 'Jenna, I think you would be fine to come again in about six to eight weeks okay? The secretary will set up an appointment with you.' I nodded, cleaned up then Hunter and I headed on our way.

We hop into the car and Hunter pulls out his phone, 'When's that next appointment Jen?'

'In eight weeks. March thirtieth, another Friday, at ten A.M.' I smiled, sliding the appointment card into my wallet. I turn to look at Hunter who had a puzzled look on his face. 'You okay baby?'

'Uh, yeah, there's just a scheduling conflict with work.' He said, running his hand through his hair, 'It's okay, I'll deal with it at work.'

'Okay, it's no problem hunny.' I said looking out the window. 'Can we get French fries?' I look over to see Hunter chuckle.

'Last week was sweets, this week is salt?' He said patting my hand. 'McDonalds or Burger King?'

'McD's please,' I said lifting up his free hand for a kiss. He squeezed my hand in return as we pulled up to the drive thru. When we pulled away I asked, 'How do you feel about what the doctor said?'

'I'm glad everything's going well,' Hunter said, his eyes on the road, 'And about the sex thing, we can take it slow babe. Like you said, I want to stay intimate with you, but you need to tell me and be honest if something hurts or whatever, okay?' He added, briefly looking over to me.

'I promise,' I said between bites of French fries. 'Do you think we can look at booking a photo shoot before the baby pops out?'

Hunter smiled, 'That's be great, Jenna. I like that idea.'

We pulled in the drive way at home and Hunter geared up to go to work for the afternoon. 'I'll be home by nine Jenna, I love you.'

'Love you too,' I kissed him and locked the door behind him. I sent emails to Stephanie, and to my sister with pictures from the ultrasound pictures. I decided to be productive and get to work on some programming for work before I get too stressed out with baby stuff. The ladies at work are throwing me an early baby shower, so I suggested to the clinical team that we make it a special event for our Alzheimer's patients. The kicker is that now I'm in on planning it too.

I heard a key turn in the door, a bit confused since Hunter usually comes in the garage. I sit quietly and listen, 'Jenna, baby?'

'Gosh, Hunt you scared me. You're early.' I said, looking at the clock that read eight o'clock. The look on his face worried me, he fished through the closet, retrieving my coat, handing it to me.

'We need to go to the hospital, Joelle got in an accident,' He said grabbing my shoes from the rack.I got on my belongings and we headed out to the car.

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