The Arrival

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I dozed off for a bit, and woke up to significantly stronger contractions. The time on the wall struck midnight. I assumed my parents were here, but everyone was being nice and letting me sleep. I closed my eyes again, trying to meditate out of the discomfort.

'Hey, lovely the doctors want to check on you,' Hunter whispered, kissing my cheek. Once again he helped maneuver me into a position where the doctor can examine me.

'Five and a half now, slow and steady Jenna' he noted. 'Were we thinking epidural?' Wide eyed, I nodded and blurt out, 'There's no other realistic option for me.' Hunter chuckled as he held my hand, letting me squeeze when a contraction struck me. 'I'll check back in forty five minutes, we will see where you're at and potentially administer the medication then.' I nodded and Hunter squeezed my hand.

'Your parents are here,' he smiled. 'You're going to love the surprise. He slipped out the door, waving my parents in.

'Hi baby girl!,' my mom said in a loud whisper. She hugged me and my dad followed behind her. I look up to see Stephanie by the door, and I let out a loud, 'Oh my gosh!'

She came up to my bedside and we hugged for what felt like ten minutes. 'I can't believe you're here! Thank you so much for coming.'

'I would not have wanted to miss this,' she explained. 'How's it feel?'

'The contractions are a bit stronger, but I'm okay right now.' I examined her head to toe. 'I missed you so much.' She held my right hand and I felt something cold touch my skin. I turned her hand over and it revealed a beautiful white gold diamond ring. 'Stephanie – explain!'

Hunter and my parents excused themselves so Stephanie and I could gush about the past nine months. Her boyfriend of a year David, popped the question over the May long weekend, and Steph pleasantly asked, 'Would you consider being in my bridal party?' I nodded excitedly, squeezing her hand. We chatted a bit longer, and she told me about the proposal until the doctor interrupted to recheck me.

'Scale of one to ten,' he requested again, 'and you're at six.'

'Probably closer to a five, five and a half,' I answered.

'We will wait til you're at seven, full dilation is ten.' I nodded as he headed out. Hunter emerged, poking his head in the doorway.

'How is it?' I answered him, and let him know we had to wait a bit longer. He nodded and sunk back into the hall. It was nearing one AM, and I was tired. Our parents and Stephanie rested in the waiting room, Hunter climbed back onto my bed with me, and I dozed off for another nap.

I woke myself up, groaning at the discomfort. The clock read three, and Hunter was soundly asleep in the chair next to the bed. I winced, maneuvering myself to reach for the call button.

Within minutes, a nurse came in to attend to me. 'This is getting uncomfortable,' she nodded and went to retrieve my doctor. The nurse administered the epidural and I was helped into a comfortable position. 'You're at eight Jenna. Just a little longer.'

I drifted in and out of sleep until I felt some warmth on my face, squinting open my eyes, I realized the sun was up. Six AM. Hunter was nowhere to be found, and Stephanie was asleep on a chair in the corner.

'Reynolds!' I yelled in a whisper, chucking a towel at her. 'Where is Hunt?'

'Coffee,' she groaned.

A few minutes later, Hunter came back and handed Steph a coffee and drank his own. He sat on the bed in a way where he could massage my shoulders. 'Your doctor went home to sleep,' Hunter laughed, 'He will be back at seven thirty.' I nodded, trying to conserve my energy for the feat that is coming.

By seven thirty when my doctor arrived, I was having fairly strong contractions and was fully dilated. Hunter took post at my shoulder, coaching and encouraging me like he pretended to in those classes. Stephanie and our parents waited patiently in the hallway as I was surrounded by nurses.

After several big pushes, I felt shaky, and realized that the baby was out. 'It's a girl!' the doctor announced. A nurse helped life her onto my chest in a blanket, patting her dry. Within a few moments, this tiny little body erupted into full blown crying, and I heard our family cheer from outside. I finished the delivery and the doctor welcomed everyone in.

Hunter's dad snapped photos and Hunter cut the cord. Sam knocked, poking his head in. His eyes grew wide as he saw the new born baby in Hunter's arms. Matt and Devon followed with similar expressions.

'Everyone, this is Sutton Joelle Hayes,' he said, choked up, 'and Sutton, this is everyone.'

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