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'Jenna, you have a visitor up at the front desk', Nancy, the secretary paged over the loud speaker in Wing 3 East.

A 29 week-pregnant me waddled down the long hallway to the nurse's desk where a gentleman with a camera and notepad was awaiting me. 'Hi, I'm Jenna, how can I help you?'

'I'm Nelson, I'm a reporter for the Nashville Star. I was interested in interviewing because I was told you were going to be running a program that stemmed from your baby shower.'

I nodded, 'Yeah, that will be taking place next week actually. Did you want to talk about it?' He nodded, and I lead him to the conference room across the hall. We chatted for about forty five minutes about the program, my job and the goals for the patients I work with.

'Thank you so much for your time, Jenna.' He said, shaking my hand. 'Mind if I take a photo?' I nodded and fixed my hair. He gave me a business card and carried about his way. I walked back to the nurse's desk and turned to Nancy. 'I know I'm gone in a few weeks, but never again am I doing that without and appointment.' We had a little chuckle before I went to set up for my afternoon program.

At dinner, I mentioned the oddball reporter to Hunter. Sam was back home, but still made frequent visits.

'What do you mean he was interviewing you?' I explained it to Hunter, and he chuckled. 'Well I actually called the Star. I thought you deserved some good recognition for being so selfless,' he reached for my hand and kissed it.

'Oh, Hunter you didn't need to do that!' I exclaimed, playfully slapping Hunter's arm. 'But that's sweet of you.'

Hunter and I headed out to the store after dinner to gather the supplies I needed for the event next week. 'Did you see the proofs Linda sent me?' I asked him as we walked around the store.

'No, you're gonna have to show me.' He said, 'How did they turn out?'

'Amazing, I love them,' I replied, gathering materials into my basket. 'I think we'll be using her again next time.'

'There's going to be a next time?' Hunter asked playfully, taking the basket from me. I nodded smiling.

'I've ready pregnancy horror stories, and I think I've had it so good.' I explained, 'Obviously we don't live the most typical life, but I'm sleeping decently well again, I am still walking...' My voice trailed off. Hunter nodded, kissed my head and we made our way to the check out.

Back home we went through the proofs the photographer emailed to us. We picked several of the pictures for purchase, and spent the rest of the evening wrapped up in bed watching Harry Potter.

'Thank you everyone for joining us today,' Nancy, the secretary for my wing at the hospital said, 'Today we celebrate our Recreation Therapist Jenna Hayes on her pregnancy, and let's give her a round of applause for making today a successful reminiscing event for our patients here at Nashville General Hospital.' The room, full of patients, their families, and a few local news crews burst into applause as Leah, one of my coworkers presents me with a bouquet of flowers and a card.

 I step up to the microphone and all eyes are on me. 'I'm not normally the one making acceptance speeches,' I laugh, 'thank you all so much for helping make today, and every day in the East wing successful for those who rely on us.' Everyone cheered and applauded and I was just about finished when I looked up and saw a pair of familiar blue eyes in the crowd. 'So please, enjoy some refreshments,' I said directing everyone's attention to the table along the side of the wall, 'and thank you again for being a part of this special day.' I stepped down, receiving hugs from my coworkers and I see Hunter walk towards me with a tea in one hand and a bouquet of flowers in the other. 'Hey sweetheart, what are you doing here?'

'I wasn't going to miss your big event.' He smiled, handing me the tea and flowers. He fished a small black box out of his jacket pocket. We went over to some chairs, and I opened the box. Within it lay a Pandora charm, it was blown glass with pink and blue swirls within it. 'Hunter, this is so pretty' I thanked him, putting the charm on my bracelet immediately.

'You're welcome sweetheart,' He said, kissing my cheek. 'So how's this event going? There are a lot of cameras.'

I nodded, the hospital thought it'd be some positive light into our department. 'There's only an hour left, then clean up.' I showed Hunter around and introduced him to some of the clients and we talked about having a baby, and some of the men were giving Hunter dad advice. He smiled, and thanked them. 'Wow, so that was the whole goal of this program?' He asked, nodding his head. 'It's so simple, but so genius.' He headed back to the studio, and I thanked him again for visiting. After clean up I lazily went to the supermarket to grab a BBQ chicken and some sides and when I pulled up to the house, I recognized Hunter's parent's car parked beside my spot. Excitedly, I went up to the house and was welcomed home by lots of hugs and kisses from Lynette and Leo. 'Sorry we are a day early, Jenna.' I smiled, they're too sweet.

'Don't be sorry, I can use some help grocery shopping tomorrow before my parents come in.' Lynette nodded and Leo helped bring the food in. 'Is Hunter home?'

His mom nodded, pointing to the basement. 'Of course,' I smiled, opening up the sides and cutting the chicken. I set the table and knocked on the basement door to get Hunter's attention.

'I'm so sorry to hear about Joelle,' Hunter's dad broke the silence.

'Thanks, Leo,' I said, 'It's been a challenge. But we have so much to look forward to.' He nodded.

'How's Sam?' His mom chimed in.

'Better,' I replied. 'They're pretty much back to normal at the studio. They have three bonus tracks they are laying up. Hunter's schedule a duet with Taylor next week and then it's practically finished.' Hunter joined us in the kitchen along with Sam to finish answering his moms questions.

'When's this album coming up? Are you going to tour?' Hunter's mom asked, looking at me.

'Early-July, and no, it's actually a greatest hits album, so I don't have to tour, at least not far from home.' Hunter answered, reaching for my free hand. 'Jenna actually has a surprise, well, two, to share.'

Baffled, I wrack my brain, 'Umm, I...' I looked at Hunter, still baffled.

'The album, and,' he pointed at my stomach.

'Oh, I am doing a duet with Hunter on his new album and I am his opening act for the events associated with it.' I said, and I got up to retrieve the 3D images from my 30 week appointment last week, handing them to his parents. 'I only have twelve work days left,' I said smiling. His parents gushed over the 3D images, 'I think the baby will have your nose Hunter.' His dad chuckled.

'That is great for both of you.' His mom said, smiling.

'Thank you, we are pretty happy about it.' I glanced over at Hunter and he went to grab his laptop. 'Have a listen though. This was our first recording.' Hunter played back the original recording of the song from before our wedding.

'That's a great duet,' his mom complimented. We thanked her, and I brought out dessert while Hunter cleaned up the dinner dishes. 'Coffee or tea?' I ask.

We sat around the table, and Hunter's parents were asking about baby names. 'We haven't talked about it much yet,' he said, 'I'm sure we will come up with a few options.' He smiled.

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