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Logan's Pov

She hugged me tightly not wanting to let go. Frankly, I didn't want to let go either.

"should we go get breakfast now" I asked

she quickly nodded, making me smile from how quick her anwser was. I love this girl.

°|Time Skip|°

The drive home was quite quiet. Every now and then you could hear a car wizzing by or she would be humming to a song.

We pulled into my drive way and I put the car in park, amd turned off the engine.

I got out rushing over to her door bedore she could open it and I opened it for her.

"This way my lady" I said gesturing to the front door.

She got out and said thank you and walked to the door, to wait for me. I picked through my pocket to find my keys for the door. My hand landed on them and took them out, to place them in the keyhole.

I opened the door and we walked in closing the door behind her.

"wow" she said

"I got to work after you left and fixed up the place." I said gesturing my hand around the room.

"Its beutiful." she said exploring.

"Do you want to go to my room?" I said.

She turned around and eyed me down.

"Not like that..unless you want it like that." I said smirking.

She smiled and walked upstairs to my room. she looked at all the decorations and the nick nacks and then she came upon my door.

Luna's Pov

I looked at all the beutiful things on display and then I came upon his door. I gave him a look to ask if i could open it.

He nodded and stood. I gripped the handle firmly and slowly creeked open the door. I looked into the room.

It had a big king sized bed and to end tables on either side. There was a flat screen T.V. , A elegant dresser, a walk in closet, And a table with a computer and two speakers on it.

I gazed at the amazingly decorated room and turned to Logan. He had a grin on his face and he stepped closer to me.

I bit my lip and walked over to the dresser.

"Whats this?" i said pointing to a whip with a beutiful, glass handle and leather strings on the end. I already knew what it was, but i wanted to here him say it.

"Thats for if you be bad." he said biteing his lip.

I looked in the corner of my eye and I saw that box full of toys. I gulped and and looked down.

He came up to me and put his hands on my waist and hoisted me up onto the dresser so I was sitting on it.

He could tell I was nervous.

He stroked my cheek.

"Dont be nervous." he walked over to the box and picked it up on his bed.

"W-whats the b-box for?" I said slightly walking forward. "come look." Logan said.

I slowly walked over to see what I saw last time. I was full of sex toys.

I gulped and took a step back. I looked at him and he had a smirk plastered on his face.

"What are you thinking." he said trying to read my face for any form of emotion.

"Thats...Thats not me, r- right?" i said with a worried look.

"Only if you want it to be." he said pulling a vibrating object.

" I..I cant Logan. I cant ever do that." i said gesturing towards the box.

He had a disappointed look on his face. Then there was a moment of silence.

I started to fumble with my fingers.
"THEN WHAT DO YOU WANT!" He said looking annoyed as hell. I was absolutely shocked by his outburst.
He said while throwing his hands up in the air out of anger.

Tears started to form in my eyes.

"L-luna im sor-" I cut him off

"have a good day..." I said swinging open the door and running out of the house.

I ran back to my house, not even stopping to look behind me. I stuck my key in the keyhole and jiggled it around until my door opened.

Me mid-opening the door, I felt arms wrap around my waist.

"LET GO!" I yelled kicking and thrashing around.

"Luna stop!" i stopped moving cause i was tired from running and kicking around.

he stared into my eyes. "Please forgive me." He said bringing me into a hug.

I hugged him back.

We said good bye and i walked back into my house slumping down on the couch and putting my knees up to my chest.

Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out.

I caught my breath and tried to get some sleep.

                        824 words

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