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I got together my school supplies and put all the books and papers in the my  backpack. I sighed and walked out to my front door. I pushed it open to walk to my car.

I walk to my driveway to realize that my car wasn't there. Oh yeah, Jake slashed my fucking tires. I pulled my bag up my shoulder and left to the sidewalk to start walking.

I heard an engine rev behind me but I ignored it. There attempts of trying to get my attention were unseccesful.

They honked their horn. They did everything they could. Eventually they got fed up and pulled up infront of me on the sidewalk.

"What the actual fuck!" I yelled at the person in the car.

"Get in loser, were going to school!" He said, attempting to do a girls voice.

"Jake, get the hell away from me!" I yelled at him. I tried to walk around my car. He pulled forward a little bit more so I couldn't get through. I got tired of his games so I climbed over the hood of his Tesla. He slapped the steering wheel of his car and opened the door up. I tried to walk away but I felt him grab my arm and pull me to face him. I pull my arm away from his contact.

"WHAT PART OF, GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME DONT YOU UNDERSTAND!" I turned my back to him and sped walked to school.

°|time skip|°

I walked through the halls of the school to get to my. I was avoiding Jake since I asume he might be looking for me right now. I make sure to stay in crowds of people so he doesn't see me in the sea of people. I did that for the past 4 classes until lunch.

I walked in the lunchroom with my friend phil, hoping Jake cant see me.

"What are you so worried about?" he said while we sat down.

"Um....Jake kisses me and im trying to avoid him."  "but didn't he use to bully you?" He said looking at his plate of food.

"Um..Yeah." while saying the last bit, I looked over to find Jake with his head in his hands and his tray pushed away from him. I tried to look away but it was to late. I saw him make eye contact with me and before I knew it he was on his way over to my table.

The New English Teacher (Logan Paul fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now