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I get in my car to go to the hell hole that adults call school. I slam my door shut and start the car. I go the 15 minute drive to school.

Once I get to school I get out of my car and go to the backseat and take out my backpack. I sling it over my sholder and walk towards the school.

I open the front door and and stare at my sneakers and continue walking. I walk to my locker and stare at the locker decorations all over my locker.

I raise my eyebrow at how childish the stickers but I didn't really care. I opened my locker and shoved some books in the metal box.

I close the locker and twisted the lock twice to reset the lock.

I looked down at my feet while walking. I gripped my books tight when I would hear the lockers close.

I continued to look down at my feet and gripped my books. I peaked up from the ground to take a quick look to make sure I dont bump into anything.

I could feel a pair of eyes on me from behind but im not sure who was staring at me. My hands started to sweat as I became more anxious.

I continued to walk until I felt a large bump on my shoulder and caused me to fall down from the sudden force.

"Watch where your going bitch!" I looked up and saw a boy with very blonde hair and a sharp jawline.

I got up quickly and was almost immediately pushed back down onto the hard tile floor.

"Im looking for an apology!" He said with a angry look on his face. He sneered at me waiting.

"I...I..I-im." I was pulled back up again and placed in the grip of this boy. My whole body was slammed against the metal lockers.

My back was in pain from the amount of times my back hit a hard surface.

People began to crowd around us.

"I SAID SAY SORRY!" He said while sneering at me. I was absolutely terrified by him.

"Im sorry!.." I half shouted at him. People were snickering, some of the people were filming and some just stood there not wanting to get in the middle of things.

He squinted at me and dropped me back down to the tile ground.

"I'll let you go this time, but next time I wont be so easy on you." He said while backing away and putting his arm around a girl, and of course it was cassie my enemy.

I sigh out of relief and get back to my feet and carry on down the hall to my class.

I looked around the halls to make sure he wasn't near me.

I walk into the class and I sigh coming from the back of the room. I looked up to see the boy who had just previously slammed me against a locker and force me to apologize to him. I stood and stared and was scared. Since when was he in my class?!

"Take your seat Miss Hood." He said to me, saying my last name causing some people to snicker from the class.

I went to my seat, I stopped for a second when I relised the boy I was avoiding was sitting right next to me. "Great." I said to myself making sure no one could hear me. I slump in my chair and sit still feeling very uncomfortable since he was starring right at me. I avoided his gaze and looked forward.

"You just couldn't stay away from me, couldn't you?" He said smirking and continuing to stare at me.

I was quiet for a second until I spoke.
"The only reason im next to you is because im forced ro sit next to you, you prick." I said continuing to look forward. I could tell he was really pissed off by that comment.

"You'll regret that Hood." he said using my last name. I was very scared on what he might do to me. I looked down and and put my hands on my head and I could tell he was smirking at me, seeing I was terrified by what he said.
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