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"Can we go on every ride?" Youngjae asked as he held tightly to Jaebum's hand.

"Yeah, we can go on all the rides," Jaebum answered as he swung Youngjae's arm.

Unlike Yugyeom and Bambam who were standing side by side, almost avoiding eye contact with each other.

"Are you guys okay?" Jaebum asked glancing back at them.

"Yeah, we're fine," Yugyeom answered quickly and glanced over at Bambam.

Bambam just nodded simply.

"What ride should we go on first?" Youngjae asked looking around.


"That one!" Youngjae exclaimed and ran over to the spinning tea cups. "That's my favorite."

The others followed Youngjae to the ride, waiting in line as the sun beat down on them, Youngjae practically bouncing up and down. They went on the ride and continued to go on many other rides, laughing and Youngjae occasionally screaming. Eventually the kid got hungry and Jaebum had to take him to get some food, but Bambam wanted to continue going on rides, so Yugyeom and Bambam went over to another ride, they stood together awkwardly.

"Are you okay?" Yugyeom asked Bambam.

"Yeah," Bambam said simply with a small sigh.

Yugyeom wrapped his arms around Bambam's waist and rested his chin on his shoulder.

"Do you think we're falling apart?" Bambam asked sadly.

Yugyeom froze for a minute, not knowing what to say.

"Why do you think that?" Yugyeom asked with concern.

"Well, I feel like our relationship, has changed," Bambam said softly.

"We'll talk later okay Bammie, let's just have fun," Yugyeom said and gave Bambam a kiss on the cheek.

"Okay," Bambam said with a small smile, he couldn't help but feel sad about it.

Suddenly Yugyeom's phone started ringing. He let go of Bambam and looked at his phone.

"I got to take this," Yugyeom said as he stepped out of line. Bambam grabbed Yugyeom's wrist and looked at him with pleading eyes. "Don't worry, I'll be right back, just go on the ride by yourself okay?"

Bambam just nodded and let go of Yugyeom. He watched as the tall fluffy haired boy walked away from him.

Bambam looked down at the ground and stared at his feet. He could feel Yugyeom slipping farther and farther away from him, and he felt like it was all his fault.


Bambam looked up to see Jackson staring at him with worried eyes.

"Oh Jackson," Bambam said softly and locked eyes with him. "Hi."

"Where's Yugyeom?" Jackson asked with a head tilt.

"He had to take a phone call," Bambam said with a pout.

"Mind if I go on the ride with you?" Jackson asked standing next to Bambam in line.

"Sure, I don't mind," Bambam said, as his body started to get heated, standing so close to Jackson. He didn't know why but he felt different standing next to Jackson. "Uh Jackson, were you serious about when you said, you care about me?"

Jackson looked at Bambam and smiled a bit.

"Yeah, of course I was," Jackson said to him. "I'll do anything for you Bambam."

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