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Jackson woke early that morning, not sure why, but he did anyway. He had a strange dream from the night before. He couldn't quite remember what it was, but he knows he had a dream, and he knows Bambam was in the dream. 

"Ugh, daddy," Bambam whined as Jackson got up from the bed. 

Jackson looked down at Bambam who opened his eyes just barely, looking very irritated. 

"I'm sorry baby," Jackson said with a smirk as he bent down and placed a small kiss on Bambam's forehead.

"Why are you up so early?" Bambam asked.

"I had a weird dream," Jackson said simply as he opened a drawer pulling out a shirt. 

"Was it about me?" Bambam questioned with a small giggle. 

Jackson just simply looked back at Bambam with a small smirk as he slipped the shirt over his head. 

"Maybe," Jackson answered, before making his way to the door. 

"Wait," Bambam said with worry, causing Jackson to stop in his tracks. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to talk to Mark, I'll be back later, don't worry," Jackson said with a reassuring smile. 

"Okay," Bambam said simply with a smile as he watched Jackson leave. 


Jackson was walking casually down the road to Jinyoung's place, which is where Mark would be, in fact, that is exactly what Mark had told him, the night before. 

"What do you want Mark?" Jackson questioned as he came down the stairs. 

"Is Bambam still here?" Mark asked with a head tilt. 

"Yes, why?" Jackson questioned. 

"How is he?" Mark asked. 

"Fine," Jackson said simply.

"Okay, well I'm going to Jinyoung's for the night," Mark said awkwardly. 

"Mark, are you okay?" Jackson asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I'm good," Mark answered. 

"Sure, okay," Jackson said, knowing something was wrong with Mark. 

That's why Jackson had to see Mark. He needed to know what was wrong. 

Suddenly Jackson's phone started to ring. 

He grabbed it out of his pocket quickly and rolled his eyes when he saw who was calling. 

"Hey, Amber."

"Hey Jackson, you sound tired."

"I am, how's everything?"

"I've had to deal with Krystal's heartbreak for the past few days and I'm really sick of it."

"Oh my god Amber, just tell her already."

"No, she's gonna hate me."

"Just tell her that you don't like when she acts like a hoe."

"Dude, I can't."

"Yes, you can."

"No, I can't."

"Yes, you can."

"Hey, how's that kid you were telling me about?"

"Who? Bambam? It's been pretty crazy."

"What happened, did his boyfriend find out about you two and kick your ass?" 

"Well, not exactly, see it turns out that his boyfriend had been cheating."

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