Chapter 3

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Camila's POV
Me & Lauren walked into the barn to see what seemed like endless stalls full of horses. Lauren seemed so amazed by the giant creatures & ran to the first horse she was attracted to. His name was Dakota. He was solid black with a white circle faded around his eye. She insisted to ride him, & I was okay with it. Dakota was a good beginner horse & Lauren really seems to like him. I picked my favorite horse that I usually ride, Jase. He was rather tall & mixed with colors. He was declared a 'paint horse' & was more beautiful than ever. His color consist of a dark brown & white, & his hair was black & brown mixed together. I pulled the two horses out of the stall & began to saddle up. While I tighten to saddle, Lauren was asking so many questions but I didn't mind, I love to hear her talk.
"Camz, what's this that goes on the horses head?" She asked pointing to the leather that was wrapped around Dakota's head.
"It's called a Bridle. It helps control the horse" I responded & she 'ohh'd.
I took Lauren & the horses to the arena to teach her the basic & then we would ride out on a trail. It's been awhile since I last rode, but it all came back to me after the first few minutes.
Lauren climbed on to Dakota & I climbed up with her, sitting be hide her. I slide my hands around her waist & was holding the reins with her hands holding them as well.
"Ok do this to turn left" I say & she followed my hand movement. "Now right."
"Seems easy" she said.
"Okay, do this to stop. But make sure you don't jerk." I say & she did as instructed. Everything seems to come natural to her. After about 15 minutes of teaching her, she seemed ready to go on a trail.
"Okay lo, you ready?" I say while finally climbing on to my horse.
"Yeah. Let's do this!" she said in a deep tone which made me giggle.
It's was about a 2 hour ride up & back down. We rode side by side talking about, well everything. Spending time with Lauren, was always fun. She was defiantly my best friend out of the other 3 girls. The scenery around us was beautiful. There was a creek that ran along the trail & it attracted all type of creatures. It's such a beautiful day & I'm glad I get to spend it with the best.
As we're almost to the end of the trail before it started to turn around & take us back home, I hear a loud growl.
"Camz... did you hear that?" Lauren asked in fear.
"Yeah. Come closer to me" I tell her & she rode as close as she could to me. "Whatever happens, hold on to the saddle horn" I say while pointing to it & she nodded.
We was stopped by a large panther walking in our path. Dakota started to rear up & kick at the cat while my horse, Jase, backed up away from the beast. Lauren did as she was told & held on to the saddle horn. Dakota gave the cat a hard kick to the face & it ran away but by that time, Lauren lost grip & fell off.
"LAUREN!" I screamed while I watched her horse run away back down the trail. I jumped off of Jase & tied him to the closest tree. I ran over to her body but she was knocked out cold. There was a small cut on her forehead from landing on a rock & knocking her out. I picked her up with what strength I had & laid her on my saddle. I made sure she wasn't able to fall off & I led my horse all the way back to the barn. I walked the whole way & was constantly checking on Lauren, making sure she didn't fall off. As soon as we got on the ranch my grandpa dropped what he was doing & ran over to us.
"Mila! what happened?" he said while helping me take Lauren down off the horse.
"Panther scared Dakota, and she fell off" I replied out of breathe.
"I'll call an ambulance, lay her down over there"
I did as he requested & soon enough the ambulance was here. I got to ride with her but my grandpa had to ride separate. Please keep her safe I whisper to my self while I held her hand.
When we arrived they took Lauren up into a room & I sat in the waiting room with my grandpa. About 2 hours, one of the nurses finally came out.
"Hi, well Lauren seems to be doing fine. Just a mild concussion. As soon as she wakes up, you'll be free to leave." The skinny blonde girl says with a half smile pressed against her lips.
"Thank you so much" I say while practically running in her room.
"Mila! I need to get back to the barn. Call when she wakes up & I'll come get y'all" my grandpa said & I gave him a thumbs up & entered the room.
Lauren laid peacefully in the bed, sound asleep. Her chest rose & fall, her hair laid perfectly over to the side, & her close eyelids hid her memorizing green eyes. I sat on the edge of her bed & grabbed her hand, interwinding our fingers. I starred at her beauty until I herd my phone receive a text.

'Hey Mila. I'm in town, you wanna hang out?'

'Im at the hospital with Lauren. It's a long story, but she's okay.'

'Oh I'm glad she's okay! Mind if I come by?'

*end of convo*

Truth was, is that I do mind. I like hanging out with Austin & he was cute but something about him didn't seem 'right'. About 30 minutes later, he shows up & joins me on the bed.
"Hey Mila, so what happened?" he asked. I told him the while story & he actually seems concerned while shocked me because Lauren & him don't get along very well. "That's awful! well I'm glad he's okay"
"Thanks Austin"
"Of course" he said grabbing my hand from Lauren & placing it in his. He locked eyes with me & for once, I felt attracted to him. He starred to lean in closer & closer. Soon enough him lips were pressed against mine. Our lips moved together but not in a perfect sync.

Lauren's POV
I slowly began to regain everything that was around me. I felt two body sitting next to me, possibly being Camila & her grandpa. I began to open my eyes & what I saw killed me inside. Austin & Camila were kissing, why was he even here? She knows I hate him, why would she invite him? I coughed which seems to break them away from each other.
"Lauren! you're awake!" Camila said jumping on me & giving me a hug, while Austin gave me a glare.
"Mhm" I said I'm a angry tone.
"How's your head?" Austin asked. Like he really cared.
"Hurts" I reply giving him a glare.
"Hope you feel better, I'll text you later Mila" he said while leaving the room. The hell if he will.
"Lauren, I'm so glad your okay!" Camila said while she looked like she was about to cry.
"Camila, what the hell? Why did you kiss Austin?"
"He kissed me!"
"Well you didn't seem to pull away from it at all" I tell her while folding my arms.
"Trust me Lo, I would never date Austin" she said. Something in her eyes made me believe her.
"Alright. When can I leave?"
"As soon as I get the nurse"
She ran out & got the nurse. I signed a few papers & soon enough I was able to leave. Her grandpa came & got us & took us back to Camila's house. It was already late so we just decided to crawl in the bed & go to sleep. When we laid in bed, camila cuddled up next to me without permission. I wrapped my arms about her body & pulled her close into me & kissed the top of her head.
"Goodnight Lolo" she said while falling asleep.
"Goodnight Camz" I say & soon fell asleep as well.

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