Chapter 22

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It had been 2 months since the group lost 2 of their members. Normani took Dinah's lost the hardest. She sat in silence mostly, Dinah's last words on replay.

"keep there love strong... Promise me?"

Normani kept her promise, watching over the couple who love has grew even stronger. Camila and Lauren grieved over Dinah's absence but eventually continued to live on. The 3 girls stayed at Lauren's house in Miami once the rest of there tour was cancelled.

Lauren's anger towards Austin increased and wanted to get back at him. He said he didn't kill Ally but he had Dinah's death written all over him. Lauren wanted to get back, but Normani stopped her. Mani knew it wasn't a good idea to go after Austin and she needed to keep the couple alive.

"Mani, its been too long and he shouldnt get away with it" Lauren yelled at the older girl trying to get past her.

"Stop, this is not a good idea" Normani stopped her.

"Yeah, laur it isn't the smart thing to do." Camila commented from be hide and tried to take Lauren's hand but failed.

"I don't care! Let me go" Lauren snapped.

"Remember last time we tried to get even?" Normani yelled changing the subject. Lauren stop struggling to get away from the two girls and blankly starred at them.

"That's what I thought." Normani followed. "It's my job to keep you two alive and that's what I plan on doing"

"wait, why do you need to keep us alive?" Camila asked once again and tried to grab Lauren's hand and was successful.

"Before I woke up in the hospital bed, Dinah came and visited me. She told me to protect you two and keep the love strong, it will make a difference in this world." Normani explained. "Not sure what she meant, but I promised her and I plan on keeping that promise. So Lauren, sit your ass back down until your parents return with the pizza"

Lauren didn't say anything but you could tell she was moved by Mani's words and did as she said with Camila following her.

Camila looked back at Normani and mouthed a 'thank you' before the couple sat down on the couch. Normani joined them shortly after, starting a new movie.

"I got it!" Camila yelled half way through the movie and made Lauren jump at the sudden burst.

"got what?" Lauren groaned while she put her hand over her heart as it started to beat faster.

"What Dinah meant!" Camila shouted again.

"Mila, what are you talking about?" Normani said with interest.

"She said 'keep there love strong' right?" Camila asked and they both shook there heads. "She wants our love strong so we can spread it around world-wide" Camila continued.

"You've lost me babe" Lauren replied and rub Camila's arm soothingly.

"Hear me out" Camila said and continued to speak. "I love Lauren and she loves me, but our relationship is considered 'disgusting' to society because we're gay right?"

both Lauren and Normani nodded their heads trying to see the point.

"I want to support the gay couples around the world. I love you Lauren and I'm not ashamed of it. I want other couples to feel the same" Camila continued.

Lauren smiled at Camila's words. She was really moved at the younger girl for wanting to make such a different. But they both knew that if they tried this Austin would release that video of the night they call theirs to the public. "What about Austin?" Lauren followed.

"You know what I think? Fuck Austin!" Camila said with full seriousness.

Normani busted out laughing while Camila looked at her confused. "I'm being serious!" Camila said and threw her hands on her hips. "Austin can fuck off!"

"I know but they way you said it cracks me up" Normani continued to laugh.

"Yeah camz, you're not that intimidating" Lauren followed.

"Lauren, I might not be intimidating right now but you know for a fact I am in bed" Camila confidently said and raised a brow which cause Lauren quickly to stop laughing and flushed her cheeks read.

"Well that escalated quickly" Normani joked and laughed even harder.

"So what's this plan of yours?" Lauren said changing the subject.

"Well we will start off small just doing Twitter post and in a few weeks make a YouTube channel and hopefully talk on television." Camila explained.

"Sounds like a good idea" Lauren complimented and pulled camila closer to her body as she laid back down.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2014 ⏰

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