Chapter 15

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Camila's POV
"Camila, what's going on?" Dinah asked worriedly.
I took a deep breathe and closed my eyes momentarily. "I'm bulimic" I manage to force out. The other 3 girls mouths slightly dropped and stood in shock.
"Mila..." Ally start while walking towards me. "I had no idea.
I threw my hand up and ally stopped in her tracks. "Let me rephrase that, I was bulimic" I say again, emphasizing the word.
"Would you mind explaining this?" normani asked and we all walked over to the table next to the pool and sat down. Lauren grabbed my towel knowing how I felt about my body, but I decided it was best I didn't cover up. I shook my head at her request and she returned a soft smile in return. Lauren sat next to me, taking my hand into her own.
"Are you sure you wanna talk about this?" Lauren asked me obviously concern if I could hold my emotions.
"Yes" I simply return.
"Mila.." Dinah urged for me to start explaining, so I did.
"I've been throwing up after I eat for the past 3 years. It started in high school when few of the students bullied me, calling me fat and ugly. After awhile, I couldn't take it anymore. I've been doing it ever since, I couldn't stop it. Until Lauren found out by accident, and she's been helping me ever since" I explain and look over to Lauren and gave her a small kiss on the cheek. "it's been getting better although, I'm starting to feel myself again."
The girls looked at my sympathetically and I reached over the table to take all of their hands in my free hand. "Mila... I wish you would of told us before" Dinah finally said.
"I didn't tell anyone... like I said, Lauren found out by accident but" I say and paused to look back at her from my seat. "I'm glad she did."
"I'm glad too" she replied with a grin and brought my hand to her lips and kissed it gently.
"So you said you're doing better" Normani started. "Is that true?"
"Yeah, since I've stopped I've gained weight and now I'm starting to feel normal now instead of tired and hungry all the time" I explain.
"Well that makes since why your hungry all the time" Dinah joked and we all shared a small laugh in return.
"So anymore questions?" I asked and paused for then to ask but they didn't. "Then let's enjoy this beautiful day!"
They all shared a smile and soon enough, Dinah and Normani picked me up again and threw me in the pool.
"FUCK YOU!" I scream towards them once I reached the surface and they all started to laugh. Lauren was laughing extremely hard, but I notice Normani & Dinah exchange looks. They slowly walk over to Lauren and quickly grabbed her.
"D! Mani! You don't need to do this!" Lauren pleaded whilst they finally managed to pick her up off the ground. "How about a compromise?" she suggested but they didn't seem interested.
"On 3!" Normani screamed and start rocking Lauren back and forth.
"1" Dinah started.
"Nooooo!" Lauren screamed.
"2" Normani continued.
"Come on, my hair!" Lauren pleaded once again.
"3!" they said in unison and released Lauren from her grip, sending her flying into the icy water.
I swam over to the latter of the pool and propped myself up to wait for Lauren to reappear again. I waited for what seemed like forever, I started to become worried.
"Lauren?" I called for her and still she hasn't came out of the water.
"LAUREN!" Dinah screamed and soon dove in head first to retrieve the older girl. When Dinah came back up, Lauren followed her, smiling from ear to ear whilst Dinah had a annoyed expression on her face.
"See Dinah, that's what you get" Lauren joked whilst swimming over next to me.
"What? A heart attack?" Dinah said only half joking.
"Yes" Lauren simply replied.
"You scarred me shitless" I tell her and put my hand on her shoulder.
"My bad" she said and kissed me gently on the lips.
"How did you even hold your breathe that long?" I asked her.
"You'd be surprised how long I can hold my breathe" she winked and me and soon climbed out of the pool over to dry off. I watch her walk away, my eyes never leavening her ass.
"Well played Jauregui" I mumble under my breath and climbed out of the pool, and walked over to her to dry off as well.
We all laid out for the rest of the day and when the sun started to go down, we called it a day and went back to the house. I went up to my room, or should I say our room, and took a shower. Lauren stayed downstairs talking to the other girls, and I laid in bed waiting for her to join me.

Lauren's POV
"Hey Lo, what are we going to do about Austin?" Ally asked me whilst handing me a glass of water. I gladly accepted her offer and press the glass to my lips and took a sip.
"I'm not sure. Obviously he's planning something that could hurt all of us, and we don't need that. It's my fault were in this" I reply sadly, taking another sip of my water.
"You can't do this alone, if you haven't noticed were a group and whatever one goes through, we all go through." Normani stated.
"I know, but if anything ever happened to any of you, I couldn't live with myself." I remind them, placing my hands on my face.
"That's understandable, but know that we're always here for you. you're not alone, okay?" Ally asked whilst reaching across the table and taking my hand into her own.
"I know, thank you" I reply with a half smile.
"Don't thank us, it's out job" Dinah reminded me. I nodded my head slowly in return. "So what time are you meeting Austin tomorrow?" she asked remembering our previous conversation.
"Around 9 in the morning. If Camila ask where I am, tell her I visiting LA at the studio, please?" I ask them.
"Of course Lo, but I think it would be best that you tell her." Normani insisted.
"I agree with Mani, what if something happens?" Dinah added
"All of you know where I am, so if I'm not back by 10:30 or 11, then you know something is wrong." I inform them. "Please don't tell Camila, I don't need her to worry... she has enough on her plate as it is."
"Tell me what?" Camila asked whilst descending from the steps.
"Nothing. Why aren't you asleep? You looked exhausted earlier." I say trying my best to change the subject.
"I couldn't sleep without you. Lo what's going on?" she asked looking concern.
"Lauren's going to talk to Austin in the morning." Dinah blurted out.
"Really?" I say looking at her in disbelief.
"I thought we said to stay away from him? Why the fuck are you going to see him?" Camila asked raising her voice.
"Camz" I pleaded walking towards her but she stepped back with every step I took forward. I sighed and began to explain. "It's my fault he threatened us. none of you should get the blame for something I cause..." I start, pausing for a moment. "I'm going to tell him to stay away from the four of you and whatever he was planning on doing, I'll take the hit." I finished.
"You can't. If you have noticed, were all in this now anyways." Camila started.
"See that's the point! I don't want you or the others in this. I need to end it and whatever comes at me, I'll handle it." I say cutting her off.
"The hell if you think you're doing this alone. I'm going with you" she interpreted.
"No you're not..." I say but soon cut off by her walking towards me and bracing me into a hug. "Camz" I say rubbing her back. "I love you, that's why I'm not letting you go."
"And I love you, that's why I'm not letting you do this alone." She replied and I let out a heavy sigh. "Dinah, what time are they meeting?" she asked knowing Dinah would be truthful with her.
"9 am at the Panera Bread few blocks away" she informed her.
"Dinah... I told you..." I start.
"No, Camila's right. You don't need to do this alone and we're not letting you" she said cutting me off.
I felt honored that my friends would risk possibly everything just to save me but I didn't want them to. I hate knowing the fact that we are all not safe once this tour starts.
Dinah walked over to me and Camila and joined the hug, Normani and ally following be hide her.
"I love you guys so much" I say squeezing them tighter in my arms.

Sorry for being late but I promise more to come! Comment & vote!
-Tana 💞

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