Chapter 5

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Camila's POV
I slowly began to wake up & sprawled out in my bed. Wait, where was Lauren? I loved having her arms wrapped around my body, it made me feel safe.
"Lolo" I groaned for her to get back in the bed, then I started to hear soft sobs from downstairs. I stood up & started to walk down the steps. Lauren was leaning up against the door with her hands on her head & her elbows pressed against her knees. I ran over to her side & gave her a reassuring hug while she cried harder into my chest. I didn't bother asking her what was wrong, I just wanted to comfort her. When she seemed to get all of her emotions out, I started to ask her.
"Lo, what's wrong"
"I wish I could tell you" she said while chocking on her tears.
"Why can't you?"
"Trust me on this. I can't"
I just nodded & pulled her into a tight hug. "I'll always be here for you Lauren, I love you"
"I love you too" she escapes from her swallow lips. We held each other for a good hour until Lauren stopped crying & wanted to get up.
"Can we stay home today?" she asked while I helped her to her feet.
"Of course, lets go watch movies in the living room" I insisted.
She held a tight grip onto my hand while I led her into the room. She dragged her self onto the couch & curled into a ball. It killed me to see her so upset, I need to know what was hurting her so I can't put a stop to it.
"Camz, would you mind getting me some water?"
"Of course not. Pick the movie & I'll be right back" I tell her & she nods her head.
When I came back, I handed her the glass & sat next to her on the couch. I threw my arm around her & nudged for her to get closer to me & she did. I pulled her tightly in my arms & her head laid perfectly in the crease of my neck.
"So what did you put in?"
"Beauty & The Beast" she replied in a soft tone. This was always the movie she watched when she was upset. She says that the fact that somebody can love a hideous creature for what's on the inside rather than the outside warms her heart. About an hour watching the movie, Lauren falls into a deep asleep. I moved her into a position where her head was laying in my lap & the rest of her body sprawled on to the rest of the couch. Lauren was really a beautiful girl. I looked at her unconscious face & I didn't sight a single flaw. My phone starting ringing so I quickly grappled it & answered, hoping I wouldn't wake Lauren.
"Hello?" I whispered.
"Hey babe. It's Austin!"
"Oh hey"
"Wanna hang out today? It's my last day in Florida"
"I really can't right now. Lauren isn't feeling to good so I'm taking care of her"
"Oh" he said in a mad tone. "She hasn't said anything, has she?"
"Um, no?"
"Good. I'll see you for the tour in a few weeks then!" he says but before I could say anything else he hung up. What was he talking about? Is there something between Lauren & Austin? No, that's not possible. She hates him... right? I just shook it off & went back to starring at Lauren.. in a non creepy way. I remember the first day I met it, it feels like it only happened yesterday.
I slowly walked in the waiting room of the x-factor, ready for my named to be called. I saw an empty chair next to a dark headed girl with emerald green eyes. She gave me a half smile while I sat down. I loved making new friends but I was extremely nervous to talk to this girl. I finally got enough courage to talk to her.
"Hi. I'm Camila!"
She looked towards me & I felt her eyes look deep into my soul as if there was a connection. "I'm Lauren."
"Good luck!" I tell her.
"Thanks, you too" she says while giving my hand a tight squeeze. Her touch made me shiver. What was this I am feeling?
"Lauren Jauregui" an older lady called while looking at her note pad.
"Welp, that's me!" the green-eye girl says before getting up & walking through the doors that led to the stage.
Who would of know that we would be in a band together in just a couple of weeks? Crazy how somethings work out.

"Camz" Lauren moaned while I was playing the memory over & over again in my head.
"My back hurts. Rub it please" she asked in a baby tone which made me giggle.
I pulled up her shirt & placed my hand slowly to the flesh on her back. I noticed goosebumps form at my touch, guessing it from how cold my hand was. I place my fingertips to her skin & ran my hand up & down her body. She slowly doze off to sleep again but I kept rubbing her back. I'm not sure why, but I love being close to Lauren, or just talking to her. It's a odd feeling.

Lauren's POV
I slowly began to open my eyes & felt Camila hand work up & down my back. She was sitting up right, re-watching the movie.
"Camz, how long have you been rubbing my back?" I asked, but not moving at all.
"About 2 or 3 hours"
"You could of stopped when I fell back asleep, you know?"
"Yeah, but I feel like this calms you down. & I don't mind anyways" she says while he hand explores my back over & over again.
"What time is it?" I asked.
"3:00, are you hungry?"
"I'm starving"
"I'll call in a pizza" she says while her hand leaves my back to reach her phone. After about 30 minutes, the pizza guy knocks at the door. Camila slowly lifted me out of her lap & paid the kind man. Camila did everything for me, when she said she would take care of me she didn't exaggerate. She put me two pieces on a plate & filled me a glass of soda & brought it over to me. I'm pretty sure if I would of let her she would of fed me.
After we finish eating, we watched another movie. We practically spent our whole day lying on the couch.
"Lolo, can I ask you something?" she says breaking the silence.
"You can ask me anything" I tell her.
"Is there something going on between you & Austin? Is that why you got made when we kissed?"
"God no! I only got mad because I..." I say before catching my self.
"You what?"
"Um... I know he's a jerk. & you deserve the best Camz"
"Awh, thank you Lo" she says while giving me a hug.
"Promise me something?" I ask while playing with the ends of her hair.
"Of course"
"Promise that you would never date Austin. I have a bad feeling about him"
"Anything for you, I promise."
It hurts to hide my true feelings for Camila. Everyday that passes by it gets harder & harder for me to keep it in.

my opinion on LUIS:
Ok you guys, so you know how Lauren posted a picture of her & her boyfriend? Well on twitter the 'fans' blew up on her cause everyone is mad cause of the whole 'Camren' thing. Trust me, I'm a firm believer of Camren & my heart is broken but it isn't about me. Lauren is happy so if you're a TRUE fan, you would be happy that Lauren is happy with who ever she wants. She hates to be told about who she is supposed to be, that's why she gets so mad about it. Everything happens for a reason so maybe Camila & Lauren will date or maybe the won't. As long as the girls are happy & truly get to be who they are, I could care less who they are with. Just had to throw that out there!
Anyways, I've been icing the hell out of my thumb & wrist so it's starting to feel a little better. I'll update soon!
-Tana 💞

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