Chapter 17

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Camila's POV
It's weird to think that all of our lives are in danger. Over what? Something as simple as me not having sex with Austin so he could be publicized more? He is insane. What if he wins and gets what he wants? All five of us dead from freak accidents... but it was no accident at all. Maybe he was blushing? possibly just saying that so we don't ruin his career? I remember when I kissed Austin that day in the hospital, how I've regretted it since that day. What hurts is that Lauren woke up and saw our lips connected. I didn't know how she felt at the time towards me, but I know it hurt her... a lot. I never would do anything to hurt Lauren... it just kind of happened. I didn't want to but I let it happened. I didn't ease it, nor did I stop it. I should of stopped it. I now understand the pain Lauren has went through, well not completely but I know she was hurt, deep down.
It's weird to think the tour starts tomorrow... our break having flown by with movie nights, clubbing, going out to eat, and other activities we shared. It was relaxing to think that for a few days we could have fun without worrying about anyone else but ourselves. That will all change tomorrow. We're leaving at 6am, all cramming on the bus, and driving to our first concert which we won't perform until another week, still rehearsing until then. We all sat in the living room, watch Easy A. Everyone was laughing and having a good time like nothing was wrong, and I enjoyed that. I enjoyed seeing the girls happy, especially Lauren. If she was happy, then I was happy. I know I was confused about how I felt about her in the beginning but now, after she confessed her love for me, it all made sense. I knew I had special feelings for her, but I never could figure out what it meant. Until she confessed her feelings for me, it made me open my eyes and realize that I too, am in love with her. If I could of noticed it before, I would tell her how I felt, tell her that her smile makes my heart melt, tell her that her touch gives me chills, and tell her that I love her.
I glanced over at her whilst she was giggling at the screen when Emma stone was singing in the shower for the card she received earlier in the movie. Her laugh instantly made me smile, realizing how grateful I am for that laugh. I reached over and took one of her hands in both of mine, which cause her to take her eyes from the screen momentarily to look back at me. I leaned forward and kissed her passionately, darting my tongue into her mouth.
"What was that for?" she asked breathing heavily.
"Can I ask you something?" I whisper so only Lauren could hear me.
"Sure" she replied curiously.
I stood up and tugged on her hand so she could follow me into the kitchen, giving us some privacy.
"Camz, what's going on?" she asked sounding worried.
"How long have we've been together?" I ask.
"Few weeks, almost a month" she answered. "Why?" she continued.
"No not together together" I say emphasizing the second together. "How long have we've known each other?"
"Over two years?" she answered still not sure what was going on.
I walked closer towards her and took her hands into my own, playing with her finger tips.
"No matter what happens on this tour, I want you to know that I love you. I want you to stay in my life, for a very long time. Lauren, will you be my girlfriend?" I ask nervously.
A grin slowly pressed to her lips and she embraced me into a tight hug. She looked me in the eyes and kissed me hard but passionately.
"Yes" she breathed once we parted. "I love you Camz" she replied with a smile on her lips.
"Really?" I question.
"Yes" she confirmed and my mouth broke out in a stupid grin. I pulled her into another hug and dug my face into the crease of her neck.
"Camren, can you get some more popcorn!" Dinah yelled from the other room.
We separated and I kissed her one last time before making the popcorn. We made our way back into the living room. It started getting late so we all called it a night and went to bed.
I wasn't sure what to expect tomorrow or any other day until this tour ended, but I had a feeling it wasn't going to be good at all.

"Babe.." I herd a raspy voice say. "Its 5:30... were going to be late."
I stretched out my arms, accidentally hitting Lauren right in the face, for the fact that I forgot we were intertwined with one another in the bed.
"Ow! jeez" she cringed and brought her hand towards her nose.
"Oops" I giggle. "I'm sorry" I say changing my tone into a baby voice.
She stuck out her lower lip at me whilst our faces were only inches away.
"Kiss it" she says pointing towards the red mark I left on her nose.
I leaned forward and placed a light kiss on her nose. "Better?" I ask and moved my body so now it was laying on top of Lauren's.
"Much" she said with a smirk on her lips. "But I think you should kiss it once more" she continued. "Just in case."
I leaned up once more and kisses her nose again. I moved my mouth down towards hers and kissed her lips as well.
"Consider that a bonus" I say amused and climbed off of her and off the bed.
"Lucky me" she smirked and too climbed out of the bed.
Since we already had our things packed, we threw on some clothes and carried all of our things on to the bus. The other girls waited for us and once everything was all good, we pulled from the curb and started to drive towards Texas. Dallas, TX was our first show, Normani and Ally rather excited to be able to perform in front of their families.
Everyone carried their own little conversations, each taking naps and what not on the bus. But me? The closer we got, the more nervous I became. After hours of driving we finally made it to the arena. It wasn't long before we parked and walked into a larger room to start rehearsing. With our music still the same, and our dance routines similar from our last tour, it took us no time to learn everything we needed before Fridays concert. Each day passed and still no sign of Austin. Lauren standing by my side majority of the time which I was so grateful of.
Soon enough it was Friday morning. We all asleep on the bus, Lauren having to sleep in a different bunk since there wasn't enough room in one but she stayed directly across from me. We were startled by a knock on the bus around 8am.
"Ally" I herd Normani groan. "Get that" she nagged on.
"Fine" she growled in return. I could hear Ally's little feet thud on the ground from tiredness as she walked towards the front door on the bus.
"Hey Ally" a family voice said once ally opened the door.
"Um... hi..." Ally returned unsure.
"How are you?" the male voice continued.
"Austin, why are you here?" Ally bluntly asked.
Austin... Austin was at our door. Once Ally said his name I herd Lauren jump out of her bunk and she rushed over to mine pushing back the curtain. Normani and Dinah also rushing out and standing in front of mine.
"It's fine guys..." I whisper so only the three of them could hear me.
"No it's not" Lauren snapped in concern, still eyeing Austin closely as he talked to Ally.
Once Ally closed the bus door, Austin walked away and out of sight.
"What the hell did he want?" Dinah asked as she sighed in relief.
"See that's the thing..." Ally replied trailing off.
"Ally..." Lauren said once she relished she wouldn't continue. "What did he say?" Lauren firmly asked.

Something there (Camren)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang