Chapter 16

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Lauren's POV

"lo, you think this plan will work?" Dinah asked nervously.

"Of course. Make sure you stay out of sight, okay?" I reply pointing over to the van that we all used for longer road trips. "Everything is hooked up and all you have to do is watch" I relieve her.

"Okay, me and Ally will be in there. Where is Mani & Mila at again?" Dinah asked me.

"Mani is in the back of the cafe with glasses and a hat on, and Camz will be in the bathroom stall with a mini camera incase things get out of control and she needs to come out. Got it?" I inform her.

"Got it" she simply returned. "Here, keeps this on" she says whilst placing a little decor pin on my shirt. It had a hidden camera in it to record mine and Austin's conversation.

The plan was to blackmail Austin similar to what he did to us. If I could get him to say something rude and threatening then we could publicize it and everything will come to an end.

"Thanks D. Now go join Ally! He's going to be here any second." I tell her whilst making my way into Panera bread. I order and small cup of coffee and waited for his arrival.

I looked at the clock on the wall and it read 9:06, and soon enough he walked through the doors. Just the sight of him disgusted me. He soon walked over to where I was and sat down.

"Good morning Austin" I tell him and took a sip of my coffee.

"It's was" he replied upsetting. "Why did you want to speak to me?" He bluntly asked.

"You plan on doing something to all of the girls on this tour" I start off waiting for him to talk in return but he didn't. "Am I right?" I urged.

"You are" he smirked.

"How about a compromise?" I ask and he raised his eyebrow in response.

"I'm listening" he urged.

"Whatever you planned on doing to the girls, do it to me. I take all the hits" I simply stated.

"Why? Why should I only let you suffer?" He forcefully asked.

"Come on. Everyone knows you hate me? Why don't you just take it all out on me, and we all can get on with our lives?" I ask whilst throwing my hands in the air, gesturing for him to take the offer.

"See that's the thing Lauren." he started pausing for a moment. "You might not get on with your life" he added.

"Wait... I'm conf-"

"Say you got in a little accent performing or driving?" Austin started, cutting me off. "You won't be able to go on with your life then will you? And after I have you out of the picture, who says I wouldn't go after the other 4? Now that I think about it, maybe I should go for Camila first..." he replied and placed his index finger to his chin.

"I like to see you try" I growl at him, leaning forward in my seat.

"Trust me Lauren. What I have planned for the 5 of you, things will never be the same" he smirked.

"What if I say I recorded this conversation?" I say changing the subject. "How would your fans like it if they knew you planned on murder?" I asked, seeming more relaxed.

"Go a head. I see the pin on your shirt. Post it" he started. "And I'll post this" he added pulling out his phone and clicking in a file that said 'Camren night'.

"The fuck is that?" I ask, pulling the phone into my own hands.

"You didn't think I knew about you and Camila before she called me? oh and I love the mole on your left boob. It's actually cute" he smirked and threw his hands be hide his head.

I clicked on the video and what came on the screen shocked even me. The night me and Camila had finally had sex was playing on the device in my hands. Every second of our moment together now store away in this file.

"Where the fuck did you get this?" I say slamming my fist on the table.

"I might of had a few camera stored away in your house before you reunited again." He started and I began to speak but he cut me off shortly. "Now tell me Lauren... what would your fans think if they watched a sex video of you and Camila?" he added.

"Fuck you." I replied.

"Keep that stored away and I'll do the same. Once this tour starts, Fifth Harmony is mine" he finally says and takes his phone and stores it away in his pocket, leaving the table and walking out the door.

I sat in disbelief. My own plan backfired and possibly cause more pain to us than it already had. I took my phone from my pocket and sent a text to all of the girls. Few minutes later, they all joined me at the table. The sight of Camila's puffy red eyes indicated that she was crying, obviously for the same reason I wanted to cry.

"How dare he has something like that!" Dinah screamed furiously and sat at the table. "That's something personal and he has no right to have that!" she continued.

"Dinah's right." Ally started. "How are we going to handle this now? He threaten to kill us."

I sat with a blank expression on my face, only one person going through me head... Camila. She sat quietly next to me, no words able to leave her lips.

"Camz" I say ignoring the others and taking her hand into my owns. "Say something" I pleaded.

"I...I don't know what to say" she finally managed to get out.

"That night was ours. And now Austin has it, possibly could show the world. Lauren, I don't know what to say" she continue after nobody spoke.

"Say you love me" I begged, squeezing her hand in my own.

"I love you... but I don't know how to handle this" she replied still in shock.

"You won't have to... I promise babe. He won't get away with this.." I began to say. "I..I'll come up with something. Please don't blame yourself Camz..."

Her dark orbs finally met my green ones and her hand cupped the side of my face. She leaned in and gave me a passionate kiss on the lips.

"We'll get through this somehow lo... i promise?" she said once we parted. "We all will."

Something there (Camren)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang