Chapter 21

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"Okay Dinah, what are going to do about Austin?" Lauren asked whilst the four of them sat down to eat.

"We need to get rid of him" Dinah stated.

"Like, kill him?" Normani asked unsure.

"Not exactly, like an accident. Or we'll be the next ones gone" Dinah pointed out.

"What's the plan?" Camila eagerly asked.

"You know how Austin always ride that motorcycle in his free time?" Dinah asked and the other girls nodded their hand in agreement. "I'm going to go down there this afternoon and cut the brakes."

"Will that work?" Lauren asked.

"Oh yeah, there's no way he can stop unless his brakes work. I'll drive there as soon as we get home" Dinah reassured them.

"Please be careful" Camila said in concern.

"Of course" Dinah told the smaller girl.

The girls finished there breakfast in silence, thinking about what could happen next.

"It's about that time. Austin will be home soon" Dinah said standing up from the table.

"I'll come with you" Normani said and stood up as well.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. Dinah, you don't need to go alone" Camila told the girl.

"You're right. Sure mani, you can come" Dinah smiled to her.

With that, the two girls said there good byes and took a cab back to the hotel to drive their own car to Austin's.

"Do you think they'll be okay?" Camila asked Lauren once they were alone.

"I'm not sure.. but I pray that they will be" Lauren replied honestly and gave Camila a hug.

Normani and Dinah soon got back to the hotel in 20 minutes. The two girls went up to there room to pack essentials just in case.

"Will we need this?" Dinah said holding up a small hand gun.

"What the fuck!" Normani said and jumped at the items in her hand as ifp Dinah was about to shoot her. "Where the fuck did you get a gun?"

"My dad gave it to me incase I really needed it, he taught me how to use it and everything" Dinah replied with confidence.

"Holy shit Dinah" Normani breathed.

"what?" Dinah asked.

"that's a gun.. what do you mean what!" Normani stated

"I only bring it with me for emergencies, and this is a life or death situation" Dinah pointed out.

"That's true..but" Normani started but Dinah soon cut her off.

"But nothing, we need it." The taller girl spoke.

Normani didn't say much, she only nodded her head in agreement. They packed few other items such as a phone charger, water, camera, wire cutters, and masks incase anybody was home. They got into the car and took off to Austin's house.

"Normani..." Dinah eagerly said, but the other girl had her headphones in, silently singing to beyonce.

"Normani!" Dinah screamed and smacked her arm.

"Ow! What!?" Normani snapped back.

"I can't stop..." Dinah said worried.

"What do you mean you 'can't stop'?" Said the older girl, her tone now more seriousness.

"I mean my brakes aren't working, Austin must of cut them!" Dinah replied panicked.

"Oh god..." Normani realised "what do we do?"

The car flew down the street, passing two different red lights. Dinah struggle to keep the car on the rode without flipping it over. She thought hard before what she was about to say.

"When I go around this curb, jump out!" Dinah said whilst they approached the sharp turn.

"What?" Normani asked shocked.

"Mani, jump out when I say too!" Dinah said more firmly.

"What about you?" Normani asked concern.

"Don't worry! Jump now!" Dinah screamed while she turned the car fast enough to slow it down so Normani could jump.

She did as she was told and threw open the door and rolled down a hill as soon as she hit the ground. She rolled until she hit her head on a rock and blacked out.

"You did good Mani" Dinah said from the corner of her bed.
"huh?..." Normani stumble to say.
"protect Lauren and Camila for me? please?" Dinah asked and took Normani's hand in her own.
"You're going to help me, right?" The older girl asked.
"I can't, I need you too. They have a powerful love that could change lives for many people in this world. To show them that love does come in all shapes and sizes. Keep they're love strong, alright?" Dinah explained.
"Why can't you help me? You look perfectly fine!" Normani pointed out, tears filling up her eyes.
"Promise me, Mani?" Dinah sincerely asked.
"okay.. i promise..." normani's last words before drifting back asleep.

Lauren and Camila stood by Normani's hospital bed, holding hand in hand. Normani started to gain concessioness again, and the first thing she asked was "Where is Dinah!"

"Mani! Thank god you're awake!" Lauren screamed and ran next to her bed.

"Where is Dinah!" She repeated.

"Here, Drink some water" Camila offered but she shook her head no.

"Where is Dinah" Normani angerly repeatted once again.

"Mani... Dinah is dead..." Lauren forced out once tears began at her eyes.
'No' Normani thought to herself.

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