Chapter 20

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** this chapter is dedicated to Marie. She means the world to me, and she is one person I do not want to lose. Her Instagram name is @laurenthequeen_ , if you guys could somehow show her this, it would mean the world to me. I've really messed up, but she's the one person I truly need in my life. Thank you**

Lauren and Camila woke up before the girls. They sat together with their legs intertwined with one another. After everything that has happened, Lauren thought long about her girlfriend. How beautiful she was, how much she really needed her in her life. Lauren reached up slowly and removed a strand of hair that was across the younger girls face and smiled.

"Why are you smiling?" Camila asked curiously.

"Cause of you" Lauren simply replied.

"Me?" Camila questioned

"You're so beautiful, and sweet.., and unique.., I'm so grateful to have you in my life" Lauren shared. Camila felt touched by her words.

"I love you" Camila said and leaned in to give her a kiss.

Camila thought hard about what Lauren said. She didn't have a happy memory that Lauren wasn't in, she loved Lauren. She loved how Lauren was always honest with her. She loved the way her check would get red from blushing after she got embarrassed. She loved how she laughs at her own jokes. Camila loved Lauren, simple as that.

"I love you too" Lauren said once they parted. The words that came out of Lauren's mouth were nothing but the truth. Lauren has never thank God enough for putting someone like Camila in her life. Everything that Camila did made Lauren's hurt flutter, wether it's just saying hi, or lying on once another. It's all the little things that Camila does that makes the older girl happy. Love is something that shouldn't be played with, although Lauren is holding onto it strong, as well as Camila.

The two girls sat together sharing stories and laughing at Dinah who was currently drooling all over her shoulder in the chair.

"It's almost 9... We should wake them" Lauren suggested.

"I'll wake up Mani, YOU wake up Dinah" Camila said emphasizing the word You.

"Why? Are you scared?" Lauren laughed.

"Well yeah, last time I woke her up she punch me in the stomach." Camila said in all seriousness. "I was almost convinced she ruptured my spleen!"

"You're such a dork" Lauren joked and walked her way towards Dinah.

"D, wake up" Lauren said shaking her slightly on the arm, no response. "Dinah!" Lauren said in a louder tone.

Camila and Normani watched eagerly now that she too was awake.

"DINAH" Lauren screamed louder and shook her hard.

"WHAT" Dinah finally screamed back and threw her fist in Lauren's direction and hitting her right on the thigh.

"Ahh! You dead legged me!" Lauren yelled and fell onto the floor.

"Oh my bad Lo" Dinah started to laugh, only half awake.

Camila and Normani busted out laughing while Lauren laid on the ground holding her leg.

"It's not funny!" Lauren yelled at the three girls now laughing.

"Here" Camila finally said and held a hand out for the green eye girl to take. She helped her to her feet, and Lauren stood there pouting. Camila leaned forward and kisses her bottom lip softly.

"Better?" Camila asked once Lauren mouth curved into a smile.

"Much" Lauren comment back.

The four girls soon made their way to the breakfast in the lobby of the hospital.


Sorry for the short chapter. Marie, if you are reading this, I miss you. I never wanted to hurt you, but I did & I've never been so ashamed in my life. I need you more than anything in my life. You are in my heart, and you will never leave. You make me smile, & you always seem to make me feel better after a bad day. I care about you, so much. I don't want to lose you.


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