Chapter 19

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No body's POV.
The girls stood there, helpless. Watching as Ally's body was lifted onto the ambulance, taking her to the hospital to see if they could do anything to give her life again. Camila was hung on Lauren crying deeply into her body. Lauren had guilt written all over her face. If only she could of talked to Austin alone likes she planned, Ally would still be here... alive. Ally's mom rode in the ambulance whilst her dad drove the other four girls to the hospital.
The concert continued though, after the girls were out of sight Austin got on stage and sung. The question that Lauren was repeating to her self was 'where was Austin when the bag fell?' She figured he was the one who cut the rope, purposely and dropped it right onto the older girls head.
Ally was carried into a private room without her parents but only doctors trying their best to figure out how to bring the girl to life. Nothing seemed to work... Ally was truly gone.
"It's my fault" Lauren muttered to herself whist they sat in the waiting room when the doctor came back and told them the news.
"What?" Normani asked not hearing Lauren's thoughts out loud.
"Hey" Camila said and placed her finger under Lauren's chin so she could look her in the eyes. "No, it's Austin's fault. There was nothing you could do" Camila finished.
Lauren didn't say anything except stood up alone and walked out of the room. Too defeat to talk to Camila, or to anyone in that matter. She was left alone with her thoughts to her self eating her mind helplessly.
Camila watched as she walked away, upset that there wasn't anything she could do or say to convince her girlfriend that it was her fault. Austin was the blame to all of this and Camila knew it, as well as Dinah and Normani who sat next to Camila also watching Lauren leave.
"why did she leave?" Normani asked obviously lost.
"She blames her self, I told her that Austin was only to blame and she stood up an left. I guess to lost for words right now" Camila informed the two other girls, tears leaving her eyes.
"Austin is to blame, We have proof. I don't understand" Dinah commented trying to comprehend what was going on as well.
"Lauren wanted to take all the hits remember? I guess if we didn't ruin her original plan she thinks that Ally still would be with us" Camila guess correctly. "I just don't think she understands that this could of happened to any of us... possibly still could" Camila contoured.
"We're not finishing the tour" Dinah snapped. "I mean we can't, were called fifth happy for a reason. I'm not doing it without Ally" she continued standing up in anger and walked out of the room in the way Lauren went.
"Dinah, where are you going?" Normani called after her.
Dinah didn't response but only marched out of the room.
"I should probably check on Lauren" Camila said and stood up from her seat slightly before a hand took a hold of her arm.
"Mila, give her some time. I'm sure she'll come around" Normani said and tugged on the smaller girls hand.
"Do you.. do you think that's the right thing to do?" Camila asked unsure.
"Yeah, maybe Dinah will talk to her. Right now you need to give her some time to get her head together" Nornani answered truthfully.
"Okay, you're right" Camila agreed and sat back down.
Dinah furiously walked down the halls until she was outside in the cool night air. She began to relax a bit from the feel of the wind blowing against her own body. She continued to walk away from the hospital until she saw Lauren sitting on a near by bench with her elbows resting on her knees and her face pressed on her hands. You could slightly hear her cry through her hands with every step Dinah took closer to the green eye girl.
"Lo...." Dinah started. "You alright?" she continued after Lauren didn't answer.
"Did Camila send you?" Lauren muttered through her hands.
"No.." Dinah answered. "I sorta stormed out... I saw you.. and well I just wanted to make sure you're alright." The younger girl told Lauren.
"Oh.. well the answer is no" Lauren replied and now was making eye contact with Dinah.
Dinah gave Lauren a sympathetic look and sat next to her. She placed her hand on Lauren's back and rubbed circles to calm her down.
"Mila told us what you said.. it's not your fault.. it could of happened to anyone" Dinah tried.
"No" Lauren said shortly after. "It shouldn't of happened to just anyone.. it should of been me."
"Look at me" Dinah firmly said once Lauren looked away. "Hey" Dinah continued and Lauren finally looked up to meet her eyes. "What would it solve if it was you on that bed rather than Ally? it would be about the same. The only thing different would be a even more heart broken Camila"
"Yeah... but-" Lauren tried but was cut off by Dinah's lifting her hand to stop her from speaking.
"No, not another word. The only one to blame is Austin. Don't blame this on yourself, we all have a part in it." Dinah stated. "Now come here. You look like you need a hug" Dinah spoke and pulled Lauren into her arms.
The two girls sat on the bench in silence crying into one another in sorrow for their lost. After about a hour Dinah made sure Lauren was okay and they made their way back into the building. As soon as Lauren walked in the waiting room her eyes fell on Camila who had the same position as she earlier was in when Dinah found her. Lauren wasn't sure what to say. She felt bad for running out but she didn't know how to respond to Camila. She mentally freaked out but now a guilt had fallen over her. She wasn't able to comfort Camila like Dinah did to her, she left Camila alone with her thoughts with only Normani to comfort her, although Lauren wish she could of been strong enough to do it her self. She almost felt defeat by her emotions.
"Um.. Camz" Lauren started whilst she approached her. Camila looked up at an instantly with red puffy eyes. She took no time standing up and hugging Lauren tightly in her arms. Lauren squeezed her back and burred her face deep into Camila neck. The two girls cried into each other for the next few minutes, both reassured to be in each other's arms.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to run out.. i.. i" Lauren began once the parted and they were looking deep into each other's eyes. Camila cut Lauren off shortly by pressing their lips together.
"I don't care, I just glad you're back" Camila said once the two girls parted.
Lauren embraced the younger girl once more in her arms. They all sat together in the waiting room not sure where to go... Or what to do now that their friend was declared dead. About another hour or so, another guest arrived. It was Austin.
Dinah was the first to stand up in her seat and start her way towards him but Lauren quickly stood up and held her back. Once Dinah was calmed, Lauren turned around to address Austin.
"Why the fuck are you here?" Lauren said in disgust.
"Is she okay?" he said with concern.. no sarcasm was found in his voice.
"Why should we tell you?" Dinah said from be hide Lauren.
"Cause I care about Ally" Austin replied.
Nobody believed his words, Austin didn't care. If anything he was happy that he now only has 4 more girls to get.
"Get the fuck out" Lauren cursed at him and pushed Dinah to sit down.
"You can't tell me what to do" Austin snapped.
"I think you should leave" Normani said standing up and helped Lauren.
"I think you should shut up" Austin snapped again.
A fist came out of no where and collided with Austin's left eye. The older boy fell to the ground and winced in pain. Camila shook her hand in pain from her punch to Austin's face. The girls starred in shock, out of all the girls Camila was the one to punch Austin.
"That's for Ally!" she screamed with tears now rolling down her face. She was emotionally destroyed. She couldn't hold her pain any more and Austin brought it all out of her.
"You stupid bitch!" Austin yelled once he stood back up to his feet.
This time Lauren was the one to punch Austin. He fell down to the floor once more.
"Don't you ever call her that!" Lauren screamed and walked over to Camila and hugged her tightly in her arms. Camila broke down in her chest and all of her tears was soaked up by Lauren's shirt. "It's okay shhh" Lauren soothed the younger girl and rubbed her back while she cried harder.
"I just want to know if Ally is okay or not!" Austin snapped once he stood up, his hand covering his eye and jaw that was throbbing.
"Why do you even care?" Dinah asked as she stepped closer to the boy, no body being able to hold her back this time.
"Out of all you bitches, I actually liked Ally. I didn't do this, what I had planned for tonight would of gotten you first" Austin said and pointed straight at Dinah. Dinah face turned red and she squeezed her have tightly into a fist.
"Me?" she chuckled.
Austin soon realized what he said and started to back up. Dinah moved towards him faster and soon grabbed his shirt and pulled his face close to hers.
"I'd like to see you touch me" Dinah snarled.
Austin was lost of words, but Dinah pushed him down to the ground.
"She's dead" Dinah finally said. "Leave, now" she finished.
A concern look on Austin face appeared and he took no time standing up and running out.
"This is not okay" Dinah said furiously and looked at the other girls. "We're doing something about this, for Ally's sake."
Normani and Lauren nodded in agreement but Camila face was still burred in Lauren chest. The girls sat down and stayed silent for the rest of the night until each one fell asleep in their own chair.

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