Chapter 7

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Lauren's POV
I laid in the floor of our hotel bathroom while I took out a blade & slide it across my wrist. I watched as the blood oozed from my flesh on down to the floor.
"Lauren, you've been in there awhile. Are you okay?" Normani asked while knocking on the door. Of course I wasn't okay. It's been two months since Camila last spoke to me, after we kissed. I truly loved her, but I just ruined all hope I had.
"Yeah, just washing my face" I lied. The only thing washing my face was the tears rolling down my face. I've lost her, she slipped away from my hands & right into Austin's. She won't even try & talk to me to explain what happened when we kissed.
After everyone left the room, it was just me & Camila, sitting in an awkward silence.
"Camz, I need to talk to you" I finally say.
"About what?"
"That kiss..."
"There's nothing to talk about" she cuts me off. It broke my heart at the words she just said. I knew she would never feel the same. I should of just shut my mouth & loved her from a distance.
I stood up & ran into the bathroom with tears falling from my eyes. She followed me but I slapped the door before she could come in.
"Lauren... I-I didn't mean it like that"
"No, it's fine. I just feel sick" I lied. Instead, I laid in the floor curled into a ball & cried onto the tile floor. I looked into the cabinet & found a razor...
"Lauren! Open the door now!" Normani demands while beating the door with her fist.
I laid there, not speaking a word. She kicked on the door & it soon opened. Her face flushed white at the sight of me. She ran to my side & picked up my bleeding wrist. She quickly worked to my aid & cleaned it up.
"Lauren... you can't do this..."
"I can do whatever I want!" I snap at her while I jerk my arm away from her.
"You need to talk to her"
"I already have! She doesn't want me. She rather be with Austin" I say while trying to hold back the tears. Normani looked at me not convinced, and started to pull me out of the room. "Where are we going?" she didn't reply, but soon brought me to the room that Camlia was staying in. She harshly knocked on the door.
"Mila! come out here!" she yelled.
"Mani... this isn't a good idea" I tell her.
Camila opened the door & Normani grabbed her hand & pulled her out in the hallway & back into our room.
"Sit down both of you" she demanded & we did as she said. "Lauren, do you love Camila?"she firmly asked.
"Mani... I can't an-"
"It's a Yes or no question"
I sighed at her reaction. "Yes" I say while looking down at my feet. Camila looked shocked at my answer & I just nodded to her.
"Camila, do you love Lauren?" Normani asked her.
We all sat in silence, waiting for her answer. Although I already knew the answer. How can someone as beautiful as her love someone like me?

I'm such a tease lol. Tell me what you think! Comment & vote

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