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I kept my head down as I walk through the halls slightly nudging people so they know I'm trying to get pass, my name is Jasmine. It's not my real name but I prefer to be called that. There's a story behind it, it's hard to explain it but might as well. I'm not the type of person you see having a lot of friends, I don't actually have any friends. I'm always on my phone reading fanfiction or actually reading a real life book. I like it to be honest, it helps me escape the real world, the world that just full of pain. Well that's what I think.

Oh right my name. Okay so growing up I always got bullied for my real name, which is y/n, but I don't like it. Finally when I started high school, I made that name disappear because I moved to a different city. I changed my name to Jasmine, now that's what I get called. My family still calls me by real name. They always tell me 'oh but you're name is so important' yeah maybe to you but it's a nightmare to me.

I'm a Senior now, finally after years of being tortured for my disgusting name and finally get some peace for three years, it finally comes to an end, like all stories. They all come to an end. Now let me tell you about my new school, don't worry I'll try more excited about it even though it'll be fake.

We are all separated, you probably think by color or by race, yeah no. We have the jocks, the nerds, the band geeks, the bad boys, the hot popular girls, the cheerleaders, girls who try to be jocks, academic team, and people that nobody cares about. Now the bad boys are this gang called EXO. They think they're everything, they bully the students and they get to get away with it because they're hot and attractive. They break every girl's heart like it's nothing and I can't stand them. For all I care, they can leave the planet. Maybe life will be better without them. You can say I'm not a fan of them.

I walk down the hallway until I bumped into someone, I look up to see who it is. Ugh it's them. "Watch where you're going."

I nodded trying to get past them but he kept blocking me, none other than Park Chanyeol. "Please move." I mumble.

He laughs bending down so he's my level. "She speaks."

I look down not wanting to look at him as I keep trying to get past him, oh yeah I'm the nobody that no one even cares about, so he should easily move for me? Wrong, I get bullied for being the shy girl I am. I don't like talking to anyone because I freak out about what I'm going to say to them, what if I say something wrong and they take it the wrong way? I can't risk that so I don't have any friends, I have a cat that I talk to all the time at home but that's really it. Call me the cat lady. "Please I got to get to class before the bell rings."

Then it happens, the bell rings. I felt how my body goes stiff as I suddenly panic inside, please just let me go. I don't want to be late. "Why should I let you go?"

I finally look up into his dark chocolate eyes. I look at his nose before observing everything on his face, even that small pimple on his nose that you can't tell it exists unless you were as close as I was to him, his brown hair was getting into his eyes hiding his eyebrows so I can't observe that. "Because you're a civilized person?" I say making it more of a question.

He shakes his head chuckling, not a cute chuckle, an evil chuckle you would see a villain make when they think they're gonna win the battle. I have a feeling that this villain is going to win this battle, the bad boy vs the shy girl. Long story short, the shy ends up passing out from fear as she dies in her unconscious state and lives with the dead hiding in the attic hoping no living soul will ever find me again. "Chanyeol what's taking you so long?"

I look over to see his best friend, another gang member, Byun Baekhyun. "She said I'm civilized." He tells his friend laughing.

Please just let me go to class, I can't miss the lesson. I nudge them so I can get past them but I end up getting slammed into the locker, great just another ordinary day for me. I squirm looking up to see who did only to see a glaring Chanyeol. "Who said you can touch me?" He sneers.

"Barack Obama?" I asked.

He glares at me more, if looks could kill. He pulls to him a few inches before slamming me into the locker again. "I'll watch what I say if I was you." He says in a cold dark voice, yep villain Chanyeol is out to hurt the poor innocent Jasmine.

I nudge him eyeing my classroom door. "I just want to get to class."

This time Baekhyun laughed coming to us. He slams his hand near my face causing me to flinch. "Awe the poor nerd needs to take her calculus text, Chanyeol we better go before she gets her first bad grade. She might cry if she gets a 98%."

I look over at him frowning, hey it hurts getting that low of a grade. I like having 100% all the time so I can go to Yale. Chanyeol smirks throwing me to the ground roughly. "I'm sorry." He puts his hand on his chest smirking at me.

I finally got the courage to glare at him as I scurry off to class. I open the door, I took my seat not wanting to explain why I'm late. There's no point anyways, they'll just get away with it anyways. I wrote down whatever the teacher said that sounded important to me.

-Chanyeol's pov-

I wipe my hands off on Suho hoping he doesn't mind. "I can't believe you ran into her."

I groaned rolling my eyes remembering when that Jessibell ran into me. "She was like 'let me go to class' not even wanting to apologize that she ripped open my new jacket."

Baekhyun sat on the couch licking his popsicle as he raised his popsicle at me. "Maybe she's not as smart as she think she is."

"Please she's more book smart then she is common sense smart." I scoffed blowing my hair out of my eyes so I can see. "Are you done wiping your hands on me?"

I nod my head as I shove my hands in my pocket as I sit next to Baekhyun. "Guys let's make a bet." Kai chimes in as he leans in putting his elbows on his knees.

"What kind of bet?" We all ask.

Kai gets up writing all of our names on a sheet of paper, he tears them so they tiny papers with one name on each. He folds them throwing them inside Kyungsoo's hat. "Okay I'll draw out a name and give you all a bet."

We all leaned forward ready for this. This will be fun, I can't wait to know what my bet is. If my bet is getting that girl far away from here, I'll gladly do so. "Baekhyun, okay your bet is making sure you get my girlfriend to sleep with you so she'll feel so bad that she cheated on me." Kai smirks as he throws that slip of paper away.

Baekhyun smirks as he nods. "Piece of cake."

Baekhyun finishes his popsicle as he throws the stick away, he sits beside me again but his leg was touching mine. I push him away roughly. "Yah get off of me!" I shout at him.

He rolls his eyes scooting over. "Chill out Chanyeol."

I rolled my eyes not caring what he said, I just wanna know what my bet is. I watch as Kai pulls out another name, he slowly opened the paper. I stare at him suddenly his eyes landed on me. "Chanyeol."

I stood up ready just to get my bet over with, I'm not going to wait like Baekhyun. I'll get my bet done by today. Kai thinks for a bit before he smirks at me. "Your bet is to get that girl, who ripped your jacket you know that nerd, get her to fall in love with you. You have a month to get this bet finish."

"Easy." I laugh but Kai put his hand up like he wasn't finish.

"If you fall in love, you lose which means you give all of us $1000 each. If you win, we all give you $1000 each." Kai finishes.

"Better start collecting money." I smirk heading to the door. "Where you going?"

"I have a bet to go do." I said closing the door behind me.

Okay so I really hope you liked this chapter, I decided a new idea. Every 5 chapters I write, I'll publish them. There will not be a schedule for updates, I'll update this on my own time. Space out xoxo

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