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I looked right over to see none other than Park Chanyeol himself. "No I didn't." Groaning at my response, I felt like a complete idiot. How can I even say something so stupid? He knows I'm here and I just said I'm not, absolutely stupid. "I know I'm not daydreaming or hallucinating, you are here."

Taehyung was completely confused as Jungkook hid behind a trash can, scared out of his mind. "Just take her and leave us alone!" Jungkook screamed, his voice shaky.

Taehyung tsked walking to his friend, forcing him to get up. Just watching the bunny fight back, his hands and feet flying in the air as he tried to get Taehyung to go away. "What's up with him?" Chanyeol asked, his head cocked to the side like he's so confused on the whole situation. 

"Jungkook thinks you're gonna murder him." I scoffed, soon I heard a chuckle seconds after that left my mouth. Chanyeol took some steps to the bunny, he ruffled his hair before whispering something into Taehyung's ear causing the boy to back away, leaving the bunny and giraffe alone. I just knew he was turning on his bad boy image, just the way he fixed his position. Taehyung came back over to you, a smile on his face. "What kind of stupid idiot hides?" He asked, his voice the way it was when you first met him. 

Jungkook looked right up at him, his eyes so wide they might pop out. "I-I-I'm not h-h-hi-hi-hiding." He stuttered. 

Chanyeol scoffed, he kicked the trash can causing the bunny to jump and fall onto his back as he looked at the scary monster. "Please don't kill me!!" He cried out, tears now running down his cheek. 

I couldn't help but laugh, Taehyung was even laughing. I watched as one of his tears, or was it his drool, landed on Chanyeol's shoe and immediately you knew this wasn't going to end pretty. Chanyeol growled launching himself at the boy dragging him by the arm as he threw him into the locker. I knew this wasn't a joke anymore, Chanyeol hates when people ruin his stuff, no matter what it is. 

Jungkook got up backing himself into the locker, this is looking ever so familiar. He slammed his fist into the locker right next to his face. Jungkook flinched, he couldn't stop crying. "Who do you think you are!?" 

"I'm Jeon Jungkook!" He whined. Taehyung stopped laughing, we both did. We knew this has gone way too far. I marched my way over pulling on Chanyeol's arm. He turned to me, his eyes were dark and scary, like a black pit ready to suck you in. He had a scowl on his face, but as soon as we made contact his face softened. "Leave him alone, he's scared." 

Jungkook nodded his head quickly, Chanyeol sighed backing away as he let the bunny escape from his grip. Jungkook ran off hiding right behind his friend. Taehyung laughed hugging his friend. "He almost killed me, that's not funny!" Jungkook pouted. 

Taehyung nodded his head, he was enjoying it all. Before I could listen to his response, a hand wrapped around my wrist pulling me away. (A/n: I need to choose which pov i'm writing bc this is so confused) 

I ran with the person, I had no choice but to run with him. After running for awhile, we stopped catching our breaths. I was holding my stomach trying to take deep breaths as Chanyeol was holding onto his knees, his breaths heavy almost like he was a dog panting. I stand up straight looking at him, he looked right back at me. "Why do you keep leaving me?" He asked.

I bit my lip, shrugging not really knowing how to answer. He took a step towards me, I backed up. We did this until my back hit something hard, I looked behind me to see a wall. Great. "I tell you a huge speech on whole much I love you and you leave me, for that stupid idiot, Yoonji? Shimin? Something like that."

I looked down, not wanting to answer him. "Y/n tell me why."

"I can't.."

"Why can't you? What did I do that made you distant yourself from me?"

"You didn't defend me." I mumbled. "You let your friends bully me at the movies, so I tried to get over you." 

I felt his hand go under my chin, lifting my face up so I can look at him. "Did you get over me?"

Did I? No, I couldn't. He was your first love, he still held your heart. His smile, his attitude, everything about him. Even though Amber told me to do this bet, I knew I would fail because he knew just what to do to make me crave him more. His face inched more towards me until our lips were brushing against one another. "Tell me."

"No." As soon those words left my mouth, his lips were right on mine. Molded together, it was perfect. I kissed him back, moving my lips with his. His hand was cupping my cheek and I couldn't help but smile into the kiss. Though it didn't last as long, he looked at me smiling. "Don't ever leave me, promise?"


Okay I'm ending this chapter here, omg the book is almost finished!!!! 

I tried to make this chapter long but I kept running out of ideas and it's hard to come up with ideas as it is. 

I'm sorry if this chapter is short

I'm sorry if I sucked at writing the kissing scene, I really tried my best.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, xoxo

Space out, dylan. 

The Bet (Park Chanyeol x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora