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I grit my teeth glaring at him. "Don't call me that."

He tilts his head looking at me like a lost puppy, if that's what you do to get girls to fall for you, guess what? It's not working with me. "What did I do?" He asks.

I push him away as I walk inside to turn in my note. Thankfully he doesn't follow me as I sign myself in and got my pass for class.

Once I left the office, he was right there waiting for me. "You've got to be kidding me."

He jogs over to me as he tries grabbing my hand. I slap his arm as hard as I can. "That's no way to treat your boyfriend, princess." He pouts.

I scoff pushing him away from me. "I'm not your princess nor your girlfriend and I never would want to be either. Leave me alone for once."

"But our date is tomorrow." He adds.

I stopped mentally groaning that he has to come over tomorrow, to my house. I turn to face him which causes him to smirk. "You know where I live, you know what time to be there. What else do you want?"

"A proper date for today, you agreed to be my girlfriend."

"Yeah for today." I groaned kicking myself. "Fine."

He smiles walking to my side as he grabs my hand intertwining our fingers. "So babe-"

"Don't call me babe."



"Baby girl?"


He smirks before pushing me against the lockers. "How about mami?"

I grimaced pushing him away. "Ew hell no."

I tried pushing him away but he wouldn't budge. "I gotta get to class."

"This looks oddly familiar."

"Oh yeah the time you pushed me here all because I 'touched' you." I rolled my eyes.

He back away snapping his fingers at me. "Yeah also the day you ripped my jacket."

I ripped his jacket? I never knew that. "Oh, I didn't know. I'm sorry."

He shrugs trying to fake a smile. "It's fine, let's take you to class."

Why is he acting strange? Is he okay? I think he's sick. Chanyeol never offers to take me to class, he's usually a snarky little ass.

I shrug it off walking with him to class. He opens the door for me causing me to stop. "Did you just?"

He smiles walking in as the closes the door in my face, yep same old Chanyeol. I open the door walking in. Wait I don't have any classes with him, why is he in my class? "Class we have a new student in our class, he switched over."

No no please no. I watched as Chanyeol waved at the class causing the girls to sigh in awe. You've got to be kidding me. He smiles as he comes over to sit beside me.

He slowly wraps his arm around me, after he scoots his desk closer to mine, causing every girl in this classroom to glare at me. I blush looking at my desk not wanting the attention to be on me. I wrote down the notes the teacher was wanting us to write down. Chanyeol wasn't even doing anything, he would wink at a girl then say 'you're pretty cute' cussing the girls to squeal because he called them cute.

I put my pencil down facing the player, jock, bad boy, criminal and other names I can't think of at the moment. "If you're gonna be my boyfriend, you can't flirt with other girls."

He chuckled putting his arm down as he flicks my ear. "Awe babe I'm just messing."

I rolled my eyes grabbing his hand. "Don't call me that, how many times do have to tell you?"

"None because I'm not going to listen."

Tell me about it. I let go of his hand as I did the assignment our teacher gave us. Chanyeol squinted his eyes at the paper occasionally looking at mine. "Pst." He whispers.

I ignored him continuing my work. He pokes my hand. Again I ignored him until he leans over licking my neck cussing me to scream.

All eyes were on me as I blushed mumbling a sorry. I turned to face a smirking Chanyeol. "What?!" I whisper-yelled.

He points at his paper. "I need help."

"Maybe if you paid attention you would know what to do." I scoff.

He rolls his eyes taking my paper as he copied my work. "Hey!"

I tried reaching for my paper back but he used his free hand to hold my back. "That's cheating!"

He shrugs, when he finishes, he gave me back my paper. He goes to the teacher turning in his work as he smirks at me. I groaned banging my head on my binder hoping this is all a nightmare and I'll wake up in bed. But nope it's the real world. "Babe you're gonna hurt yourself." He says lifting my head up.

I faced him pushing his hand off me. "Like you care."

He frowns bringing his hand back moving my hair. "I do care, you're my girlfriend after all."

Yeah for today.

I sigh putting everything up, I turned in my work before sitting next to him again. He kept flicking my ear, probably to irritate me, which is working.

I couldn't be go glad that the bell rang when it did. I ran out of that classroom, scurrying off to my next class only to see he's in there to. Did he switch all his classes to mine? Of course he would.

He really is a criminal isn't he?

Hey guys so this chapter isn't that long and I decided to make it like thisssss 😂 anyways I'll be updating a lot during the day until I officially run out of ideas and I'm constantly full of ideas for this story. Okay so I'm going to have the other author of this story help me with the next two chapters, which are about the barbecue wink wink. Thank for reading, I hope you enjoyed this. Space out xoxo

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