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Yo I'm back :)

I walked beside Chanyeol as he decided we should walk around the city instead. It was getting pretty chilly and I really regretted not bringing my jacket with us from his car. I wrapped my arms around myself rubbing my upper arms hoping to warm myself up this way.

"Here take my jacket." He says pulling off his jacket wrapping it around my shoulders.

I pull away shaking my head. "I don't what you to be cold."

He sighs trying to wrap it over my shoulders but me being stubborn, I kept pulling away. "Jasmine just take my fucking jacket, you're freezing."

I shook my head again trying to act like I wasn't cold but my body shivered giving him the answer he was looking for. I sigh letting him wrap the jacket around me this time, I put my arms through the sleeves as it hung on me, it was huge.

He smiles grabbing my hand. He brings my hand up to his face as he blows his hot air on it rubbing his hands on mine to bring warmth to them again. I blushed looking away as he did this.

He intertwined our dinners together as he continued walking. "Are you hungry?" He asks me.

I nodded my head, my stomach growled right when he asked that. He chuckles leading me into some small cafe.

He tells the waitress, in Korean, that we need a table.

She leads us over to a booth as we both sit on opposite sides. "What do you want to eat?"

I shrugged not knowing what to get as I looked at the menu, I don't even know what these foods are. I looked at this one image of this meal, tonkatsu. It looked really good so I ended up ordering that. "What can I get you guys?"

"Two tonkatsu please." Chanyeol said grabbing my menu closing it putting it on top of his.

She wrote it down as she took the menus walking off. I grabbed my drink sipping on it as Chanyeol looked at me, well stared. "Whatcha looking at?" I asked him.

He shrugs grabbing his sprite as he sips on it. I chuckle watching as he was just holding the straw in his mouth staring down into his drink. "Is it fascinating?" I joked.

He looks up at me before giving me his famous charming smile, ahh stop doing that you're gonna make my heart explode. "So fascinating but there's something way more fascinating, it caught my attention with its beauty."

He's gonna say me isn't he? That's such a cliche thing to say though. But yet I can't help the blush appearing on my cheeks. "What?" I asked.

"Those fishes in that tank, like they're so rainbow colored." He said getting up as he walked over to the fishes.

Did he just? I sigh getting up as I followed him. You were supposed to say me. I looked at the fishes and damn, he was right they are really rainbow. Now this is a beauty. "This one reminds me of you." He says pointing to the fish that's hiding but it was a a beautiful pink/salmon color. "How?" I asked.

"Because you tried hiding like a scaredy cat when you first met me, you didn't hide but you were scared." He answers staring at the fish.

He smiles fascinated as they away swam in different directions. I looked up at him before I made my way back to our booth.

He ends up coming back a few minutes later as he sits down and just in time because the waitress came back with our meals. I smiled happily as he dig into the dishes. (See image above to see your meal)

Chanyeol kept on trying to make a joke while I was eating causing me to choke on my food. It wasn't anything bad just "hahaha I can't stop laughing, duck why isn't the food going down" type of choking.

He ends up paying as we leave the restaurant hand in hand. "So what do you want to do once we graduate?"

"I want to be a vet." I tell him honestly.

He looks at me weirdly. "Why?"

"Because I wanna help the animals, they do so much for us the least we can do is help them."

"How do they do so much for us?"

"They feed us, they keep us safe, they keep us from danger, they keep us company, and they love us. There's so much animals do for us and yet all we do is show them gratitude like feeding them or killing them off to feed more people or abuse them, I wanna be a vet so I can take care of them and make sure they're safe. Like a farm vet with animals to keep safe." I tell him.

His eyes were wide as he was shocked from my response. "You must really love animals."

I nodded my head as we stopped back at his car. He opens the door helping me in. "Time to go home." I mumbled not really wanting this day to end.

He starts the car driving to my house, the ride was quiet on the way home. It's like we suddenly became awkward.

Once we arrived home my sister was outside crying as he held something in her hands.

please be happy I suck at updating bc I'm too busy watching Suga on YouTube. What is my life anymore? I don't even know, send help right away 😂
Anyways since I don't have a lot of ideas for the book, imma try to update every week. I'm sorry guys but it'll give me a week to think of ideas before I update again.
Expect slow updates too because sometimes I don't update every week.
I love you all so much also WHAT THE HECK I REACHED OVER 800 views?!??!! THANK YOU OHMYGOD I LOBE YOU SO FRICKING MUCH YOU GUYS ARE SO COOL AND you have a lot of swag guys. Be safe, be careful, have a wonderful day and space out xoxo 💕

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