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I'm back with another chapter :D

You were jumping around as Yoongi was yelling at you to sit down. "You should've never gave her that red bull Jimin."

Jimin laughs blushing a little, Chanyeol was at home. It's been a few days since you forgave him but Yoongi still never wanted him so over so you would have to go through the secret way to the park to meet up with him. "She looked tired so."

"Excuses excuses."

You smiled trying to dance to the song Problem by Ariana Grande, basic music. You giggled as you fell on your butt, you were losing it. Jimin started dancing as Yoongi fell back on the couch. You stood up trying to copy his dance moves, Jimin stopped staring at you as you tried to your best to do the dance moves perfectly. You couldn't dance worth shit, you tried but you were just awful. Yoongi couldn't either but he tried. Guess it runs in the blood, oh yeah your sister wasn't related to Yoongi in no way. She didn't have the same father, which explains why your sister was years younger than you. Your dad left you and your mother while your sister's dad was just a doner.

Your mom didn't want to fall in love again once your father left, you were five, so your mother then got pressured because she always wanted two kids. So she went to the doctors to find someone to be a doner. That's how your sister is here, your mother told her the truth and she knows she's not related to Yoongi which is why she has a weird crush on him. Yoongi knows she's crushing on but he would never date her, he doesn't lead her on. He told her that he's just family.

Yoongi wasn't here because your mother asked him to or because he got kicked out, he wanted to be there for you. He wanted to be the big brother anyone could ever ask for. He always spoils you with whatever you want, you even wake him up at midnight just so he can buy you cheesecake and waking up Min Yoongi is like asking for death. Yet he does it for you because he cares about you, you're his sister and he wants to be there for you unlike his parents.

Jimin, on the other hand, he was Yoongi's best friend. You met Jimin in the most embarrassing way. It was when you all went to the same elementary school, you didn't know who he was yet and you were kinda the one to start the friendship with the two. You were back at your old school, Yoongi and his family moved to Busan since his mother wanted to go somewhere new, your mother was the same way. Daegu brought to many memories of your father. You were talking to your friends, Minye. She was laughing about how her brother threw a fit because he broke her barbie house. He ended up getting grounded.

You wasn't even paying attention, you was staring at Jimin on the playground because he was all alone and it broke your heart, Yoongi was playing basketball with some group of boys. "If you keep staring at him, then I'll do something."

You looked at your best friend confused, you was only 6. You rolled your eyes standing up. "No you won't."

Minye giggled standing up dragging you over to the mysterious lonely boy. She threw your bag down by his side causing him to jump, he looked up at you both. "H-H-Hi." he stuttered out shaking some, he must've been shy.

Minye smiled plopping down next to him as she drags you down with her. "My friend has a crush on you."

You gasped nudging her apologizing to him. "I do not!"

That's when Yoongi came over with a basketball in his hands, sweat covering his body. "What's going on?"

Minye smiled looking at the other boy. "Oh y/n was just going to kiss her crush."

Your eyes widen at this as Jimin just fiddled with his hands in his lap. Yoongi glared at Jimin getting down to his level. "Listen here loner, don't you dare try a move on my sister or I'll break your bones. Got it?"

Jimin nodded his fast trying to avoid the glare Yoongi was giving him. You pleaded for Minye not to let you do it but you had no choice. You whined sitting in front of the boy as you pecked his lips running off.

That memory was perfectly clear as you touched your lips, you didn't really tell anyone that story. After that, Jimin and Yoongi became really close over a threat and a kiss. "y/n stop dancing you suck."

You glared at your brother as you threw a shoe at him. Yoongi opened his eye looking at you before closing it again. "Y/n, here let me show you." Jimin speaks up doing a simple move.

You nodded trying to copy the move but ended up tripping over your feet. Jimin laughed helping you up. "You put your foot over the other and stand on your tiptoes when you go down and spin removing the foot from over the other as you do so."

You nodded your head trying it again but you got half of it right but fell on your knees. Jimin sighed watching you keep practicing, why was this one move so hard? Once you finally did it, after an hour, he showed you another move as he did a split with the move. "Nope can't do the split, I'm done for."

Jimin laughed grabbing your wrist. "I'll help you."

You smiled gently nodding as you tried doing the split just like he did, you were a foot from the ground when it started to hurt but Jimin slowly pushed on your shoulders making you go down more. Once you were completely on the ground, actually do the split, you felt so much pain. You bit your lip to hide the pain but it was too much so you rolled over grabbing that area. "Why does that hurt?"

Jimin laughed. "Does your dick split when you do that?"

That caused him to laugh even harder, you pouted sitting up. "It takes a lot of practice to get used to it."

You nodded sighing standing up trying the move but the split part was the hardest part, Jimin kept instructing you to do the move better. You glared at him as he looked so serious, it was like he was your dance teacher. You shook your head as you practiced even more. "Be more excited when you dance, show emotion. Miss l/n."

"You're not my teacher Park." You groaned trying to do what he asks.

"Well I am now so do the moves the way I ask." Causing you to groan, where's Chanyeol when you need him?

WELL CHAPTER DONE, it was supposed to help with the story. You're going to find out more about Jimin and Yoongi in the next few chapters then we will go back to you and Chanyeol, I thought it'll be best if I did that instead of confusing you.

Thank you for 3k reads ahhh! I will try to update more for you guys, also I'm just asked a question for you guys. Just because I don't know I'm weird. 

Thank you all for reading this, I love you all so much. What sport do you play or would like to play? I play soccer and volleyball and I would like to get better basketball. I also used to do cheerleading. Space out xoxo, dylan

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