Dangerous Night......

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Ren's POV:
Right after school, it was pretty much a pain in the ass today when I ran over that blonde haired idol and that gruff looking guy again. Ugh. Anyway while we're in the limousine, I sat next to Subaru this time and it's not too bad. However, I can feel Shu gazing at me which I sighed obviously I can tell how he's feeling.

"Shu, why are you staring at me?"

I asked him skeptically with a suspicious look, but Shu replied with a nonchalant lazy tone.

"I wasn't staring at you Ren."

"Bullshit, we all know that I'm a half demon and half human, so you might as well fess up and tell me the truth."

I demanded not entirely convinced with his bullshit response where Shu lifts his head up and sighs annoyingly.

"Fine, I was staring at you, happy?"

He replied bluntly.

"Ooooo does Shu have a crush on Sexy chan?"

Laito teases him with a playful smirk as Shu rolled his eyes at him.

"I couldn't careless about this woman, so don't talk to me. Why won't you just leave me alone and go back to sleep?"

Shu coldly stated with Reiji frowning at his attitude.

"That's always the same response that you always do. If you look at the dictionary to find the word "spineless", you'll picture of Shu in it. That's definitely how he is, a good for nothing deadbeat."

Reiji harshly criticized, but Shu remains unfazed by his harsh words and kept listening to his music.

However I defend Shu from Reiji's harsh criticism where I glare coldly at him.

"Well Reiji answer this: if you look at the dictionary to find the word "asswipe" you'll find a pic of yourself in it and you're the perfect example of that."

I flat out roasted him when the triplets start laughing at my roast with Shu smirking at me and Subaru trying his best to suppress his laughter. Reiji then frowns at my roast while Yui is sitting there sweatdropping at the triplets' laughter.

Then Shu scoots closer to me with a cool smirk and whispered.

"Nice one."

He complimented as I giggled at his compliment, I respond to his compliment by leaning my head against his shoulders giving him a tender grin with Shu wrapping an arm around my waist smiling warmly at me.

Just then I can sense Laito smirking at me when he starts to tease me and Shu.

"Sexy chan and Shu sitting in the- ACK!"

I immediately cut him off from singing that annoying song by lifting him up to the car roof with my telekinesis ability.

"Shut the fuck up baka hentai."

I bluntly responded with a deadpan face.

"You're being too loud."

Shu coldly stated with a blank face.

"Heh that's what Laito gets for trying to steal oresama's proper- OOF!"

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