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"Don't think. Let your heart decide."

"I thought you loved me Shelby."

"Just don't think."

"All the time we spent together."

"The heart wants what it wants."

"Why him? And not me....."

"Don't think"

All Shelby could do was think. But the heart wants what it wants.

This is a tale about Shelby, a youtuber dating another youtuber, Parker. She loves him a lot. Or does she?

Will is a British youtuber that has a secret. A secret that only his best friend Graser knows about him. One that if he were to tell the person, it probably wouldnt go right. But what if they do react the way Will hopes they do? What if things do go the right way?

Ethan is Shelby's friend, another youtuber. He was always the brother Shelby never had. But will feelings change? What if they're in a situation they can't get out of? What if things go the way Ethan wants, the right way?

The only thing is, the right way for someone might be the wrong way for another.

--Other part the book is about--

Meet Graser. He's a youtuber with a great life. Great friends, great fans, he's successful, and has a great girlfriend.

Meet Shauna. She has a boyfriend, Graser, or as she calls him, Zach. She loves him so, so very much. But something happens. The spark goes out. The feelings die down. Every way she tries to tell him it's over something happens. He gets called, doesn't hear her, and even has to go to the hospital.

What will happen when Shauna falls for one of Graser's best friends, who doesn't even know that Graser is, or was, dating her?

What will happen if things go too far?

What if Shauna..........

Loves him?

And how will Graser feel when he finds out if he does?

Read this novel to find out!

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