Cliffhanger Central

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         ~~**MAGICAL** TIME SKIP~~
       2 1/2 weeks later

*Grasers POV*

I've been in the hospital for almost 3 weeks now, and I really want to get out. I don't even remember why I'm in here, as if I got amnesia or something. All I know is that I miss my home.

Suddenly, a doctor came into my room. "Zach, I'll think you'll be happy to know that you'll be able to go home tomorrow." She said. "I will?!" I was shocked. I thought I would be here for at least another week. "Yes, you will." She said.

The next day

I was all ready to leave the hospital and finally go back to my house with Shauna. She was coming to pick me up because she said she had something "important" to tell me. I was waiting in the lobby when I saw her walk in. "Zach!" She said hugging me. "I missed you" She said. "I missed you too" I told her. "Ready to go?" She asked me. "Yeah." I told her. We left the hospital and got into her car.

When we got to my house, I got out of the car and opened the front door. I smelled the air. I missed this house a lot. Shauna walked up behind me. "I'm so glad you're back. Because there's something I need to tell you." She said.

"What?" I said looking at her. She leaned in and kissed me. The kiss was soft, but passionate. We released only for air.

2 hours later (U know what happened😉)

*Shauna's POV*

Me and Zach walked back downstairs from his bedroom (😉) and I was finally gonna break the news to him. "Zach?" I said in a quiet voice, "Umm....I don't know how to say this...but...I-" Zach's phone started ringing. "I gotta take this babe. You can tell me later. Hello?" He said answering the call.

Am I ever gonna get to tell him we're done?

*Graser's POV*

"Hello?" I said answering the phone. "Graser? It's Will. There's something I need to tell you"

If you haven't already realized, I love cliffhangers!

I just wanted to say thank you for all the support on this fanfic! (It's actually my first!) And this story hit 200 reads!! I am so shocked! I thought I would never even get 100!

I'm gonna start a Question of the day type of thing starting this chapter!!
QotD: What is your opinion on pineapple on pizza?

See you guys in the next chapter!

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