Happy Days

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I woke up still in the empty room. I tried screaming for help, but my voice was almost gone for doing it for so long. I thought I heard police sirens in the distance. If only they knew I was here. I heard people yelling, and the noise was getting closer. I heard people banging on the door. "Is anybody in there? This is the police."

I couldn't believe it. I was being let out of this hell hole. "Yes! I'm tied to a chair! Help!" The door burst open and there were about 6 or 7 police officers there to save me. "It's gonna be okay miss."


I had been in the police station for a couple of hours because of the kidnapping. They hadn't found Parker and it didn't look like they were going to anytime soon. They found my phone, though so that's good.

I still can't believe it. Parker ruined mine and Will's relationship. My only hope is that Will is at his house and I can explain. I tried calling Will from the police station but he wouldn't answer. I left the station to go back TO Will's and hoped that everything would be cleared.

I got back to his house and knocked on the door. I really hoped he was there. The door opened and there he was. "Will!" I said hugging him. "Why are you here?" Will said slowly. "Will, I came to say that those texts weren't from me. This might sound hard to belive, but I was kidnapped on my way home from getting the pizza."

"And what, you think I'm just gonna belive you? Just like that?" Will said. "Did you not notice I was missing for TWO DAYS? And I've just been in the police station for 3 HOURS!" I started crying nonstop. "Why don't you belive me Will....I thought you loved me..." I said wiping my eyes. "Shelby I love you, but you don't love me. You love the idea of being loved the way I love you. You should go."

"Will.....I do love you......and nobody else...n-nobody......." I said burying my face into his chest. "I love you too, Shelby. I'm sorry I ever thought you would lie to me....." He looked at me smiling and leaned in. Our lips were just inches apart. We were about to kiss and suddenly,


I heard Graser's voice on Will's computer. He must've been on teamspeak. "You're dating SHELBY!? AWW HE FINALLY GOT THE GIRL HE'S BEEN TAKING ABOUT FOR AGES-"

"Shut up, Grase. We were having a moment."

I started laughing and kissed Will.


I looked through the window and saw her and Will laughing together. "You haven't seen the last of me, Shelby Grace. You will regret ever leaving me 5 years ago."

Who do you think the Mysterious person is? (It's not Parker)

QotD: Favorite Graser quote?

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