Oh no

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*Shelby's POV*

I was going to England.

*Liam's POV*

It was him. Jordan....

I still haven't forgiven him for what he had done to Will.

"J-Jordan? Cool name, mine is, uhh, Connor." I couldn't let him figure out it was me.

"So, what're ya doing in Nevada?"

"Oh, just visiting my girlfriend. You?"

"Visiting some old friends."

"Cool. Maybe we could hang out sometime."

"Yeah! That's be fun"

We had some small talk and exchanged numbers. "Well, I gotta go now. Bye!" I said, walking away.

"Bye Connor!"

-Time skip skip skippity skip skip skip-

I hopped in a cab and gave the driver directions to Kimmy's place. I was finally gonna see her.

I got to her house and was ecstatic. I was so excited to meet her. I knocked on the door. "Coming!" I heard from in the house. The door soon opened.

*Shauna's POV*

I opened the door and saw Liam standing there. "Liam! I'm so happy to see you!" I said hugging him.

"Wait......" He said. He looked a little confused.

"Shauna?!" He said.

Oh no.

*Will's POV*

I still don't know what happened when I tried to call Graser to tell him about Shauna. Maybe he heard me and broke up with her. Maybe he heard and didn't care. Maybe the call was disconnected.

Maybe Shauna was there and interfered.

I wasn't gonna bring that up again no matter what happened. I was just gonna try to avoid that situation. But maybe try to find out what happened.

I got on my computer and logged onto Skype.

W: Hey dood ts?
G: Shinlaseent opinhodet!
W: Im taking that as a yes

I got onto teamspeak and entered the call. "Hey Grase" I said.

"William Shakespear! You have stepped into my trap!"

"Huh?" Trap? I was confused.

"You are going to be asked personal questions that the viewers tweeted to me!"

I felt a little put-on-the-spot but was fine with answering the questions. "Okaaay..."

And thus the questioner began.

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