Skype Call

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*Shauna's POV*

I went onto Skype and called Liam.

"Uhhhh.....Hey there! What was it again? Kimmy?" I heard Liam say awkwardly.

"Yeah! Nice to meet you, Liam!" I said.

"Right, so how did you get my number?"

"Oh! One of my friends who you know actually has your number. And I got it from them because I'm a big fan. And I wanted to be your friend....and maybe a little bit more than that....." I said slowly.

Then, we started just casually talking about life and everything.

"So, where do you live, L?" I asked Liam.

"I live in Arizona." Dang it! If only he lived closer.

"Oh, that's cool," I said, "I live in Nevada!" I lied. I didn't want him connecting the dots if I told him I lived in Canada.

"Oh, thats nice! Maybe I could fly in sometime to see you!"

"Um....yeah! That'd be great!" I said, "Oh, umm... I gotta get going now. Nice talking to you Li!" I said, and then ended the call.

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