Mistakes are Made...

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*Ethans POV*

"Oh..uh...just today?"

"Yeah! See, he called me to tell me he loved me and I kinda realized that I loved him too."

"So....are you sure you didn't just say you loved him because he said that to you?"

"Yes I am sure!"

"Okay....I just wanna make sure you're making the right decision here."

"I know I am. The only thing that really upsets me is that the wedding is off." I looked at Shelby confused.

"We-wedding? What are you talking about Shelby?!"

"Oh, right. Me and Parker got engaged. I just kinda told him I didn't love him anymore and that I wanted Will, gave him his ring and matching bracelet back and left."


"What Ethan?"

"I just.....I don't think you should just walk out like that. Take time to think who you want. You know I'm only telling you this because you're like a sister to me."

"Ethan, I know you mean well but trust me. I know what I'm doing ok?"

"Ok.....so you are TOTALLY sure you want to be with Will? And no-"

"Yes! OK?!" Shelby stood up from the couch. "If you don't think I'm making the right decision the-the- I don't need your opinion or anybody's for that matter!"

Shelby was almost to the door. "Shelby, in just trying to help. I didn't mean to make you upset. I'm sorry."

"Well you're not helping me, you're just making it worse. Like with everything you try to help with. Like when we were making that sculpture and you came to help and crashed it down."

"That was pretty funny." Shelby started laughing. "Or that time when I slipped on the floor at PAX and I didn't see the caution: wet sign was near a red wall and when I saw red paint on it I freaked out and thought it was blood."

"That was pretty funny of you Ethan."

"I'm sorry by the way Shelbs. You know I was just trying to help. I should let you have your own decision, though."

"It's okay, Ethan." She leaned in and hugged me. The sleeves of her sweater were wet from her tears.
*Shelby's POV*

"It's okay, Ethan." I leaned in and hugged him. He is the cutest and clumsiest guy ever.

No. Not another.

What's happening to me?

I cannot love ANOTHER guy!

But he's so gentle, kind, thoughtful and nerdy all at the same time. He reminds me of myself.

Why am I feeling this way?
Ethan's POV**

"Ethan I need to go now." Shelby said releasing from the hug.

But I don't think I wanted that hug to ever end.

"Wait, Shelby!" I said before she leaved.


"I....just need to tell you something." I walked over to Shelby. I said quietly, "I love you..." I leaned into Shelby and kissed her. Her lips were so soft. We released the kids for air. "Ethan...." she said softly. We made out for about five minutes before I said, "Wanna go upstairs?"

"Yeah." Shelby said, nodding her head.

*spongebob guy voice* 1 hour later

"Oh, I gotta go now!" Shelby said getting up. "Call me later.......babe." She said before she left.

"Holy shit, what the actual fuck just happened...." I said to myself. I just kept staring at the door as if Shelby was going to come back.

QotD: Blue or Green?

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