Definitely NOT the worst break up ever!

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For this chapter I'm gonna try something a little different!


   I heard my voice through the other end. That means they were close, whoever they were. I ran back to Will's place as fast as I've ever ran.

    I realized I forgot to hang up when I heard,"You can run but you'll never escape me." It sounded like the person was using a voice changer. I turned around and screamed, "WHO ARE YOU!?" I heard from the phone. "If I can't have you, nobody can. Especially not Will."

  "Who are you......and what do you want from me?......" I said. I was cold, alone, and afraid and in a dark alley just trying to get back to Will.

   "I want you. And nobody else. I told you, Shelby. And if I can't have you......Nobody can."

  Then, everything went dark.

   I woke up in a cold room. I was in a chair with my hands tied to it. The room was empty, except for me and a paper on the ground.

   I saw a tall figure standing in the doorway. "Who are you? And why am I here?" They walked into the light where I was. They were wearing a mask to cover their face.

   I really wish I had never gone out to get Pizza.


   It's been almost an hour since Shelby said she was going out to get Pizza for us. That wouldn't worry me as much if the pizza shop was far away, but it's right down the block.

   I tried calling her phone but she didn't pick up. I decided to text her to see if she was okay.

W: shelbs u ok

S: Yeah Will why would you say that?

W: its just that u said u were going to get us pizza and its right down the block from my house and it's an hour latr now

S: It's just taking a while cause they didn't have any pizza made yet

W: but u ordered the pizza b4 u left

S: Just STFU ok?! You don't have to question everything about everything! Ur just so annoying sometimes! Plz just STOP! I don't even rlly love u I love Jordan!

W: well fine if u feel that way maybe I shouldn't have ever called u maybe i should have let u suffer being with Parker maybe i should have never loved u in the
first place maybe i should just date Shauna instead! Be with Jordan I never liked him anyways! That's why I did all the shit I did to him! And I never realized until 2day that ur just like Jordan Shelby

S: now I see u rly r a lying bitch like Jordan told me u were

W: We're over have fun with Jordan

S: oh trust me we r gonna have a lot of fun if u know what I mean ;)

   And that is how I broke up with Shelby.


   "W-Who are you........" I said to the man in the mask. "You'll find out soon enough." Their voice still sounded like they were using a voice changer. "So, you're too afraid to use your actual voice and show me your real self so you hide behind a voice changer and a mask?" As you can tell, I was really pissed off at today. "Oh, Shelby. I don't think you realize the damage that I can cause, oh what am I saying? I already caused major damage!"

  I was confused. "What 'damage' did you cause already?" He took a phone out of his pocket. It was mine. "You see, let's just don't have a boyfriend to come rescue you anymore...."

   "What did you do to Will?" I was scared of what this guy meant. I just hoped he wasn't in danger. "Oh, we did nothing to him" we? "It was actually you Shelby! Or, anymore least that's what he thought." He opened my phone and showed me the texts. "Why would you do this to me? What did I ever do to you?" I couldnt believe he actually ruined our relationship. "Oh, you know exactly what you did to me."

"No I don-" I stopped when I saw him touching a bracelet he had on. It was the one Parker got for me that I threw at him before I left. "Parker....?" I said quietly. Then, he removed his mask revealing the face I thought I'd never see again.

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