One Wild Ride

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*Liam's POV*

I texted Kimmy from my phone to tell her some exciting news.

L: Hey K u up to talk?
K: Yea just give me a sec
L: ok Bby 😙
K: ily😚

*Shauna's/Kimmys POV*

I saw that Li called me and got out of bed. "Oh..uh..I gotta go take this call Zachy. Be back in a sec" I walked out of his bedroom and closed the door behind me.

I answered the call. "Hello?" I said quietly.


"Yeah its me. So why'd ya call?" I was trying to make this call go fast so Zach wouldn't come out here or anything.

"Oh well, I have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

"Well......I'm coming to Nevada to meet you!"

I was so stunned and shocked when he said that. "Y-Y-You are? a plane and flying?....tha-thats.....great!...I can't belive it!"

"Yeah! I'm booking a flight right now for 3 days!"

"OMG that's great!" I heard Zach come in the hall way. Oh no. "Oh, gotta go. See you soon!" I ended the call.

"Who were you talking to?" Zach asked me.

"Oh, well you know my friend...uh....Sierra? Who lives in San Francisco?" "Yeah! She's the one that does that, like, uhhh......" I know why he was talking like that. Let's just say Sierra makes videos on the Internet that's not youtube and is a little you say......personal. "I know what you're trying to say, Zachy. Anyways, she moved to Nevada and is inviting me there for a week! She said she'll pay for my plane ticket and I'm going...when did she say again? Oh yeah! Tomorrow! I should probably start packing. I shold probably go home now, Zach."

"Wow, that's a lot you told me. You're going tomorrow? Okay then..." I hugged him and kissed him softly before I left.

Now, I gotta pack my bag, go to Nevada, and try and find....a house I guess? Oh god, why did I say Nevada? Literally anywhere but that I would have a friend. Wait......Zara! I forgot she lived in Nevada! I gotta call her.

When I got to my house, I pulled up my messages and texted Zara.

S: Hey Z! I know we haven't really talked that much in a while but this is urgent. Call?

Z: Sure! It's been ages since I've seen you I really wanna meet up again!
S: Oh then ur gonna love this!

I quickly pressed the phone icon and called Zara. "Yello!" I heard her say.

"ZarZar! OMG it's been so long!"

"Yeah it has!"

"So, I have a problem and if you help me I promise I will repay you."

"Ok, what is it?"

"Well, you know that guy I'm dating? Zach?"

"Yeah! What about him?"

"Well, I sorta maybe kinda cheated on him with one of his best friends,"

"Oh that's fine! I've done the before, you don't need to feel guilty!"

"Trust me, I don't girl. But, the guy, Liam, told me he's coming to Nevada, since that's where I said I lived because ya know, suspicions?"

"Ok....and I'm guessing you wanna stay with me cause you don't actually live in Nevada?"

"Yeah! Just for a couple of that okay?"

"Sure ShauShau! I'll just go to Jordan's house for a couple of days! And I have that guest room that...what was his name? Liam?"


"He could stay in the guest room"

"OMG. Thank you so much! And like I said, happy to return the favor whenever you need something."


"What do ya want Zar?"

"I kinda maybe sorta always had a crush on Zach and have been waiting until you two broke up and you were okay with me dating him so......"

"He's all yours Zara. Just so ya know, *Low Voice* he's kinda sloppy in bed"

I heard Zara giggle from that. I think she thought I was joking.

"Sure, Shauna. You can tell me all those stories about all those nights were fake."

"I'm not kidding, Z!"

"Okay well, just text me when you get to Nevada, and remember to bring somethings to make my house look like it belongs to you. Like, pictures and things like that."

"Okay, see you soon ZarZar!"

"Same to you ShauShau!"

I hung up after that. This is gonna be one wild ride.

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QotD: What's your favorite pick up line? -Mine is: My name's Sii but you can call me tonight 😉-


Trust MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora