Chapter 10

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The past few days with Lachie have been amazing, with him touring and me getting to see him do what he loves every night, is truly amazing. All the other lads are happy in their relationships too, accept Darren. He and Ellie have been having a fair few arguments lately, which resulted in me sharing with Ellie for a bit while Darren stayed with Lachie.

"I don't understand why we keep arguing, I've talked to Lauren about it too, and she thinks he's changed... like... he's bored of me." Ellie told me.  I could tell she was trying to be strong and not cry. "I'm sure he hasn't gone off you, he's probably stressed with the tour and also tired, there's a lot of traveling involved." I tried to comfort her. "I hope your right [YN], thank you for everything you're a great friend!"

After the show in Cardiff, we all went out to the pub across from the hotel. Ellie sat next to me and Lachie while Darren sat next to Timmy and Lauren, you could feel the tension over the table, "So great show again tonight" Kimmy said trying to break the ice. "Yeah it went well, one of the best shows yet in my opinion" Mark replied.

"I might just go back to the hotel, I don't feel comfortable being here, See you later [YN]" Ellie said while getting her coat. She smiled at everyone and left. "Where is she going [YN] maybe we should go after her?" Emily said, "She just needs time she'll be okay." I replied.

All through the night I kept catching Darren looking over at me. As soon as our eyes met he'd look away. I tried to ignore it but it was making me paranoid. "I think I'm going to go back to the hotel Lachs and check on Ellie" I said. I wanted to get away from Darren more than anything. "Okay [YN] see you later" Lachie winked. I stood up and was about to leave. "Wait there [YN], I need to talk to you." I heard a voice from behind say. I turned around to see it was Darren. "Lets go outside" he said.

"I'm not going to tell you anything about Ellie, Darren. She's my friend I'm not going to backstab." I told him straight "I don't want you to, I need to tell you something that's been on my mind for a few days now, and is the reason me and Ellie have been arguing..." he paused.

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