Chapter 15

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I woke up at 7:30 so I'd have time to have a shower before breakfast. "Morning beautiful" Lachie said, he was already awake. "How come you're up so early?" "I couldn't sleep, Darren text me last night asking why I didn't tell him about proposing to you" he said

"I saw him in the corridor last night after leaving Ellie's, he wasn't very happy when he noticed the ring... did he said anything else.... about Ellie?" I was unsure whether Darren had told Lachie about Ellie's pregnancy or whether they had made up. "all he said was that they had sorted this out and there was something she needed to tell us all at breakfast" phew at least Darren hadn't kicked off at Ellie.

I got out of bed and went into the shower, got dressed and dried my hair all in time for breakfast. Before we left we packed up our stuff as we were travelling again after breakfast. Afterwards we made our way down to the dining hall. Timmy was the first person to notice us and called us to sit down.

"Ellie has something she needs to tell us, and apparently so do you [YN]" Mike said. I looked over at Ellie and she smiled. "You go first [YN]" Ellie said smugly. I looked at Lachie and he smiled. "Well.... Last night me and Lachie went out for a meal.... and.... he proposed to me!!" I put my hand on the table to show them the ring, the lads started clapping and congratulating us.

"Now Ellie's it's your turn" I said. "Well erm.... I'm ..... pregnant" everyone had the same reaction again.

*Later that night*

We had reached the venue just in time for the show. Luckily the equipment was already there as they left yesterday. The boys had a quick sound check and then it was time!

The familiar starting started to play, as I stood back stage watching. There was a great crowd and a real buzz as the lads belted out the first few songs on the set list. As always just before superstar the lads picked a few people out the crowd.

"Tonight we have two of our own superstars with us" Mike said. "We found out two major things today which made us so so happy." Timmy continued. "These people are back stage!" Mark added "Can [YN] and Ellie please come on stage" Darren said.

I was shocked and stood there frozen for a couple of seconds. "[YN] come on!" Ellie dragged me on stage. The audience started to clap. "Last night... I popped the question to [YN] and she accepted!" Lachie cheered and so did the crowd. I walked over to him and hugged him. I can see camera flashes as I did this. "also last night I found out that....Ellie's pregnant!" the crowd had the same reaction.

"Now girls we want you to stay on stage while we serenade you" Lachie winked. We left the stage after they had finished singing and we watched the rest of the concert from back stage. It seemed to go so quickly.

After they had finished I went to go and talk to Darren. "Darren...can I tal...." "[YN] don't! I'm trying to get my relationship back together with Ellie, and get over you, especially now your engaged to Lachie I can't spoil that for you!" he said before walking off back to the dressing room. I was shocked at the way Darren had reacted, I just wanted to sort things out!

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