Nightmares {8}

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I walk through the hallway of  a dark castle, looking for the key to the exit, all of a sudden, a demon, with the faces of my dead family, all mushed together, comes forward. In its bleeding hand, it holds a knife. It lurches forward towards me on uneven legs. I let loose a blood curdling scream, as it crashes through doorways, never stopping. I sprint away, but the monster grabs my leg, stopping me in my tracks. It raises the knife, as the faces scream that I am a disappointment. The knife crashes down...

I awake with a start, tears running down my face. I am alone in my dark room, sitting on my bed, looking at the shadows, as if the demon would jump out and scream at me, coming towards me once more.

I am breathing heavily, tears still flowing. I get out of bed and splash water on my panicked face. I try once more to sleep, but the image of the monster is still in my head.

The monster looms out of the darkness, stumbling forward, faces screaming. It fixes its gazes on me, and holds out the bleeding, morbid hand. The knife is gone, replaced by demonic, broken claws. Too terrified to move, I flatten myself against the wall, and the creature lunges again.

I awake once more with a scream, sweating. I continue to cry, holding my face in my trembling hands.

A knock is heard from my door, I walk tentatively over, terrified that I am still dreaming, and that the monster will leap forward and stab me once more.

I open the door slowly, a crack at a time. Standing in front of it is none other than Gabriel.

"(Y/N)? Are you ok?" He asks, worried.

I sigh, and shake my head.

"What's wrong?" He says, walking forward into my room, and flipping on my bedside lamp.

"N-nightmares.." I tell him, still shaking.


"H-hey... Gabriel..?" I mutter nervously.


"C-can I s-sleep with you?..." I hide my face in my hands, peeking through my fingers at him.

Gabriel sighs, "Of course..."

"Thank you so much" I tell him, as we walk into his room. I notice that it is mostly black and grey, with some red, like a lamp or a pillow.

"You can sleep on the bed, I'll take the couch" he tells me.

"No no, you sleep in your bed, I don't want to intrude more than I already am!" I assure him.

After a long battle of stubbornness, I take the couch and he walks into his room and takes the bed.

The monster tells me I am a disappointment... I am not good enough for my family... I should never have come here...

I jerk awake once more, and see that Gabriel has already gone to sleep. I tiptoe over to the bed, and slowly get in, careful not to wake him. I close my eyes one last time, and fall asleep with no dreams or nightmares.

(Gabriel Reyes)

I watch, pretending to be asleep, as (Y/N) starts awake again, and silently walks over to my bed. She gets in, trying not to disturb me. Once she falls asleep, I turn over. I look at her sleeping, and carefully tuck a strand of her
(H/C) hair behind her ear. I smile.

She asked me to help in a time of need.. why do I feel like this?! Why do I care so much?! Why can't I go back to what I was.. a dark, foreboding character.. who... didn't have anyone to talk to. No, I don't want to go back. Thank you (Y/N)... you have started a new time in my life.

I wrap my arm around her, being extremely careful not to wake her. I hold her close, never wanting to let go.

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