Graduation {22}

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Once Lena leaves, I poke Gabriel. When he doesn't wake up, I keep poking him.

"Argh, (Y/N), I'm awake I'm awake" he says, throwing off the covers. He gets up, and gives me a swift glare. He then goes in the bathroom to shower.

At least I got him awake, finally. I tell myself.

I head over to my room, shower, and grab some clothes

I head over to my room, shower, and grab some clothes

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Again, you pack your suit, just in case.

'(Y/N)! May I speak with you?"' Morrison texts me.

'Sure, I'll head on over to your office then' I text back, and walk down the hall, and up some stairs.

"Alright, your graduating, huh?" He asks, standing in his office, waiting for me.

"Yep!" I say, smiling, "today is the day!"

"Good, we need more soldiers like you" he tells me, then walks off.

I feel my phone buzz in my pocket, so I look at the text I just got.

'Where did you go?' From Gabriel, and another pops up, 'We gotta head over to the fair thingy'

'I'll meet you at the main entrance' I text back, and head over.

"There you are" he says, "you up and disappeared on me"

"Haha, sorry, I'll stay right by you now" I tell him, "now let's go to the fair!"

We walk towards the lit up wheel, hand in hand.

(Time skip for once :P )

"(Y/N), (L/N)!" Morrison states formally, "do you promise to help Overwatch, no matter what the peril?"

I say yes, and he continues on. He finally gives me a badge, with the  symbol labeling the front, and another with the Overwatch insignia on it.

"I now state you as an official member of the Overwatch team!" He finishes, bidding his head, as the others clap and cheer.


"Nice job!" Genji congratulates me, walking over to a roller coaster.

"Thanks Genji!" I say back, holding Gabriel's hand, heading over to the popcorn booth.

I am so busy talking with Gabriel, eating popcorn, and celebrating with my friends, that nobody notices the bomb, sailing over everyone's heads, and landing with a thud on the ground.

In a split second decision, Gabriel throws his body over mine, shielding me from the explosive, as it shatters the air with a boom.

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