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Olivia sighed, she was definitely stuck in a rather sick situation.

She decided to push that aside for a bit and go on with her usual morning routine, so she went to start a pot of coffee, handed Elijah a bowl of cereal and took a shower.

When she walked back into the living room/ kitchen area Elijah was standing with his eyes glued to the television, brushing his teeth slowly.

"Eli, can you go do that in the bathroom please,"

The four year old mumbled something inaudible due to the toothpaste, "go on," she told him once more. Finally he walked back to the bathroom.

Olivia sipped her coffee a few times, mentally preparing herself so that she could go wake up Elliot.

She placed advil next to him with a cup of coffee. "Elliot," the sleeping man groaned, "drink this, then go shower. There's extra toothbrushes in the cabinet."

Elliot groan again, "why?"

Olivia debated on what she was about to say, "so you don't smell like a brewery when you meet your son."

This woke Elliot up, he sat up quickly. "Are you sure?" He asked.

"Baby steps."

"Baby steps," Elliot repeated. He took the pills and chugged his coffee down in hopes of drowning his hangover away.

Olivia walked back to her son who was now fumbling while trying to get his favourite shirt over his head, he was giggling at his mistakes. Olivia smiled an crouched down, pulling the shirt down for him.

Elijah giggled again, "thank you,"

"So, Sarah cancelled today, you gotta come with me to work."

The four year old's eyes widened, "Yay!" He yelled and jumped up and down, "can I take my badge mommy?"

Olivia laughed and nodded.

Olivia followed her son out of his room, but the boy stopped as when he saw Elliot.

Elliot stood frozen for a moment to,

"Honey, this is my friend Elliot, can you say hi?"

Elliot crouched down to Elijah's height, he had to fight the urge not to hug the boy. "Hi Elliot," the boy squeaked, sticking his hand out.

Elliot took his hand and shook it, "Hi Eli, I see you have a badge are you a detective to?"

Elijah shook his head, "I'm a lieutenant,"

Elliot chuckled, "well its nice to meet you Lieutenant Benson."

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