Chapter 11

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I hope you are enjoying the book so far! & don't forget to give this chappie some LOVE with your votes and comments!

Tom sat at the red oak desk in the corner of his bedroom. It was Christmas Day and he had been nursing a butterbeer for the majority of the afternoon.

It had been almost two weeks since Slughorn's Christmas party, and consequently it had been that long since he and Ellison had spoken. In the days leading up to winter break, he had seen her a few times in the corridors. But she had spent most of her time in the confines of her room once the majority of the students had left for the holidays. She had attended the Christmas feast earlier that day, and had all but refused to look in his direction. She was freezing him out, and he knew it.

He took a sip of the butterbeer he had bought during his and Ellison's last Hogsmeade trip. Tom had always stayed at Hogwarts during the Christmas holidays and Ellison had agreed to stay with him this year considering her family had no significant plans of their own, but the fact they weren't speaking had made the days long and miserable.

He swallowed another gulp of butterbeer, and sighed. He had known he had gone too far that night at the party. His words had been intended to hurt Ellison, and they had done just that. But why? Why had it bothered him so much that she had attended the party with Neil Lament? After all, he hadn't asked her to accompany him. Why would he? No ... She could go with anyone she pleased. Yet, when he had seen her walk in with Neil, he had been outraged. Though why, he didn't know. That was the question that had been nagging at him ever since. Why had he been so angry – jealous even?

Ellison was his friend, yes, but that was all. She had only ever been a friend. So why had it bothered him to see her with someone else? His mind was racing now. Had he been honest with himself about his feelings for her? Is that what Ellison had meant that night when she said he 'wasn't attuned to his own feelings'?

He shook the thought from his mind. No ... He knew exactly what he wanted. He always had, and Ellison wasn't it. Besides, even if he had developed feelings for her, there was no way he could act on them. It would only complicate things, distract him further.

No ... What was he saying? He hadn't developed feelings for Ellison. That was absolute rubbish. Though, if he were honest, since their last visit to The Three Broomsticks when they had been mistaken as 'love birds', the possibility had crossed his mind once or twice. He shook the thought away once again.

Slamming his butterbeer down, Tom stood up abruptly, and paced across the bedroom before stopping in front of the red oak desk once again. Studying it for a moment, Tom opened its bottom drawer, pulling out another bottle of butterbeer. Grabbing his half empty one in the other hand, he walked out of the room, and down the spiral staircase.

The common room was completely abandoned. The select few who had stayed behind for the holidays were outside, enjoying the fresh snow that had fallen the night before. For a moment, he wondered if Ellison was among them. No ... he knew where she would be. Crossing the room, Tom climbed the stairs leading to the girls' dormitory. He rapped on her door with the glass bottle he had taken from his drawer.

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