Chapter 13

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Did you enjoy the last chapter? ;) Let me know by giving this chap some love!

Ellison sat down next to Tom at their work bench in professor Slughorn's classroom. It was their first class of term, and consequently, their first class since the afternoon on Christmas Day they had spent together. Tom had seemed unbothered when she had taken his hand and given him a peck on the cheek in the corridor that morning. He had even seemed pleasantly surprised.

If she were honest, the beginning of term had been a topic that brought on much anxiety for her, and it was a topic she readily avoided given the chance. She wanted desperately to believe the words Tom had spoken that day in her bedroom. To believe in every kiss and embrace they had shared over the remainder of the holiday. To believe that they were more than just fleeting moments. But in the quiet hours of the night, when she was alone, doubts flooded her mind. Could she trust Tom? Could she believe him? Could she allow her walls to come down? She shook the thoughts away and tried to concentrate on the lesson.

The remainder of the class drug on as dull background noise to Ellison's thoughts until finally professor Slughorn's voice boomed throughout the classroom, dismissing them to their next destination.

She stood up and turned just in time to see Tom slip out of the classroom into the corridor. She followed after him, wondering why he had left in such a haste. They weren't due to be at Defense against the Dark Arts for another ten minutes, and that was plenty of time for them to get there. She strode out of the classroom, following behind Tom, who was being chased down by Avery and Lestrange.

The three boys exchanged words she was too far away to hear before ducking into an adjacent corridor. She sped up, stopping just short of the intersecting corridor, and craned her neck to listen. Tom was speaking in a voice she knew all too well. It was the same voice he had used the night he had found her reading the book he had taken from the restricted section. It was a low, cold voice. One that sent chills down the spine. She listened as Tom continued to speak.

"... There has never been a we. There is only I, and I can assure you Ellison Pennifold has not, and will never stand in the way of my plans. She's just a phase ... and phases come to an end." Color faded from Ellison's cheeks, and her legs felt as if they would give way at any moment. Had she heard him right? ... No, she was sure of it. She had heard her worst fears validated straight from Tom's mouth.

Before she could react, Tom rounded the corner, bumping into her as he did. Ellison's eyes met his, a look of utter shock flooded Tom's features as realization hit him. Without warning, the color that had disappeared from her face, rushed back, multiplying tenfold. But not from embarrassment. No, she was angry ... furious.

"El-," Tom began, but she cut him off. She didn't want to hear what he had to say. What excuses he had to give. Not this time.

"Don't." she said, shouldering past him as she stormed down the corridor. She hadn't expected Tom to follow after her, but a part of Ellison wished he had. She had marched down the corridor, and climbed the stairs out of the dungeon. Once out of sight, she had circled back, entering the dungeon from a different corridor.

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