Control of Self

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How do you control yourself?

Think about a few minutes.

What controls you? I am not taking about a thing outside of yourself (for example money which can't literally control you). 

I am talking about your behavior. This is what controls you. However, there is a way to control behavior. How you ask. 

Through emotion! If you control your emotions, you control yourself!

Take a moment to reflect on the importance of this realization.

What do I even mean by control? I mean having the ability to regulate the reactions to your emotions! That means never deny your feelings/emotions but don't react to them either.

Always be aware of what you feel but don't let your emotion tell you what to do. Be able to suppress negative emotions. Always think about your emotions and what they really mean.

In summary, I am saying be true to your feelings but never be controlled by them. Now please note that this takes years to achieve (speaking from experience). If/when you do this, no person can ever control you!

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