Money: Myths and Lies

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Many of us have heard and even believed myths and lies about money.

1) One of the biggest, in my opinion, is that money corrupts. Only ideas and emotions connected to items corrupt. Money is not an emotion or idea it is paper or metal, an item. As such it is really the person who already has corrupted emotions and ideas of money.

2) Money buys you anything. We all have been told money can't buy love or happiness; not true love/happiness anyway. It can't buy loyalty, friends, influence. In part this is true because money only buys what appears as loyalty, influence, friend, love and happiness.

3) Money will solve all my problems. In case you are wondering, I did laugh at this one! If you can't mange the money you got, your problem will only be bigger if you get more money.

4) Money is valuable. Money only has value because governments give it value. It is just a piece of paper with color and numbers. As for coins they are usually metal alloys and rarely a pure metal. Rather see money as a tool to buy things of real value e.g. real estate.

5) You have to work hard to get money, also known as chasing after money. There are many billionaires that did little to no physical labor. In fact, many of them only need one skill money management. When you manage money well, money comes to you!

6) You have to save as much of your money as possible to get more (also known as hoarding or greed). If you try keep all or most of your money, you will lose it anyway. Responsibly giving money to good causes will increase your cash flow. 

A/N If you believe I missed something leave a comment and I will address it in an updated version. Thanks for reading.

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