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A few months ago, I was cutting my yard and started thinking about what would I say or do if my biological father showed up. Many scenarios went through my mind. As normal my mind and heart settled on the same decision, to forgive him but tell him I did not want him in my life unless he changed his ways.

I then thought why do I think about this all the time and get angry; however, I always decide on the same decision. That's when I realized that my biological father may have done the smartest thing in his life by giving up his rights to me and not getting involved in my life. I thought about how hard it must be to do that knowing you can offer nothing to your own son.

I decided then that I would forgive him completely for that. I realized if he had not done that one act I may not be who I am today. I am far from perfect but because of that seemingly unfortunate event, I am better off than I would have been.

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