Passing Physics

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I am writing this after dropping Physics (1st time) and making a D twice. This is the 4th time taking it.

Some are thinking what can I learn from this if you didn't pass yet!

That kind of attitude will not get you far. Look at all the greats they all had mistakes, they all were "losers, crazy, and failures" to society it wasn't till they died that many saw their wisdom and perseverance. I tried everything I can think of to pass Physics, so you don't need to and now I believe I got it.

I had 4 different Professors in Physics. The 1st was Chinese American(male), 2nd was American(male), 3rd was Latino(male) and the current is Native American(female). Each have a passion for Physics and are willing to help. Physics profs are nicer than Chem profs I am told.

I learned that my biggest fault as a Physics student was not putting the right kind of effort into learning/studying Physics. I was trying to study less and to do so on my own. I didn't ask my prof questions and I didn't ask peers for help.

Science is all about communicating your findings and comparing these findings. I learned/taught this as I tutored in Physics. Sometimes both you and another student are right but one is more accurate or precise.

I started applying this idea and now I can do Physics half-asleep and while not following a logical order of solving the problem.

Yes you must study hard but that doesn't mean not to study smart. Ask the prof for recommended problems if none are given. They will normally choose problems similar to those they would ask. Do the assigned homework.

If you get stuck on a problem try it twice before asking the professor for help. Also when you ask for help take your work so you can see exactly were you went wrong. If there is any confusion ask the professor until you understand.

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