Noble Yet Unreasonable

10 4 1

Some ideas are noble but they are unreasonable.

These ideas have good intentions but they are nearly unachievable as they would require perfection of character. As you will find, this just doesn't exist in humans.

Take "world peace" for example

Now don't only consider your position on the issue.

Think about what must happen for world peace to be possible.

The first thing is countries would need to stop building up their armies.

That alone is an extremely difficult task. How would you convince 195 countries to stop building their military, in a world were terrorists are becoming bolder by the day? 

Let's say somehow you mange that great challenge. Now what?

You said you wanted world peace. If you really want world peace then that includes domestic peace not just international!

The next step would be to convince over 7 billion people to give up their jealousy, hate, revenge, ect. Not to mention convincing terrorist to do the same.

I wish you luck if World Peace is your goal! I admire your goal but it is just not very reasonable or achievable. 

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