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I have waited a while before writing this so as to create credibility. What I say may offend some readers. This is not to judge you but to tell you the truth. Also this is mostly for Christians but anyone can benefit form this.   

The people religions call their prophets rarely intended for a religion to be created. These people had beliefs they lived by. Religion in many cases start as a set of beliefs to live by but over time turn in to rituals.

I have seen this happen to Christians in particular. 

First, Christianity was never meant to be a religion! 

God never created us to ask Him for everything we need. He created us to rule, dominated and have authority over the Earth. 

In other words, He was saying I want you to take this territory and spread His influence. 

He gave us the resources but made us to go make the tools. 

Jesus taught about the Kingdom of Heaven and his biggest opposition were religious leaders.

A Young Man's Thoughts and ReflectionsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora