Truths About Gangs

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Disclaimer: I have never been in a gang or associated with one. Despite that this is based on my experience with them. 

In elementary, I had a friend who went by DQ. He had followers who thought they were all apart of a gang. 

They were following me around the playground. Then out of the blue, DQ says "To join my gang you have to beat that kid."

I look at the kid he was referring to. I had seen the kid before but knew little about him. While walking away and not even looking DQ in his eyes I reply "What for? He never did anything to me!"

DQ and his followers were shocked, but they didn't dare challenge me. Instead they head toward the kid. I walk with them to prevent any stupidity on their part. When they walk up to this kid, for some unknown reason the kid tells me hi by name!

DQ tells him "If anyone asks say," pointing at me, "he beat you up!"

This taught me a few things about gangs:

1. The gang respects and follows whoever their leader respects and follows

2. Gangs encourage violence against innocent people 


As my biological father was a gang leader I learned another important lesson regarding gangs. I never knew my biological father. In fact, he gave up his rights to me before I could understand what was happening. 

Gangs can never replace your family. They are not your family. They will abandon you as soon as you are more of a liability than an asset! This is the biggest lie that gangs try getting young people to believe! Do not fall for this trap for you might be a pawn in a game of honorless knights.

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