Do You Want to Change Your Life?

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Most of you know that Tony Robbins is one of my role models.

I watched this video 3 times in the past three weeks!

I even took notes the third time

Here are my notes:

Secret of Self Control

· Difference between people is their standard

· Leader has a higher standard for self

· Highest level is when standards must be raised and maintained

· Higher standard is when your "I should" become "I musts"

·An "I Must" to you means it gets done

· I Must are what shows in your daily life

· Don't lower your standards for others

· Be careful who you spend your time with

· Raise your standard the most by getting around people who are much better

· Change starts with you

· Power of anticipation

· Talent is not more important than discipline

· Compete with the best you can be

· What are you doing from 8pm – 2am

· Your level of commitment is your standard

· When you raise a level, you create a new gap

· You earn what you must

· To make more you must help more people

· You always meet your must

· Change your limiting believes

· Destroy your limiting beliefs

· Become certain about your beliefs

· Whatever you focus on you find

· You change things based on what you believe

· Potential, action, results, beliefs(certainty) all feed each other

· Beliefs effect how much potential we unlock

· Give more than people expect

· You are at your best when you give

"Secret to Living is Giving." - Tony Robbins

I suggest you listen to it yourself and take note of what you learn. But don't just learn, apply it! I did this week! I spent the first 3 weeks of this semester slacking. But this week I told myself I not only should pass I must pass all my classes. and I saw the results in my grades went from making D's to A's in a matter of days. Not only that I did more work in less time leaving me time to still enjoy what I love like writing. So when you tell yourself you want to lose weight or earn more. Replace the "I want", "I should", and "I need" with "I must", then you will find ways to earn that million dollars a month or lose 20 pounds in a week. but don't forget to take the actions necessary to do so don't just talk that is free it cost you nothing to do that get out there and do the things that will cost you. Things like going to the gym 2 or 3 times a day. Go work an extra shift, start that business you been wanting to.

As a bonus to those looking to increase income through a business:

Take the risk and manage what you have because when you learn to manage what you have, you will not be asking for money; in fact, people will be asking you for jobs or to invest in your business. Some people may even give you money.

This is from experience I once had a small business going. All I had was a small push lawnmower and a weedeater but I took what I had. I went knocking on doors and started my business. After some time, I had one neighbor give me a Honda self-propelled lawnmower my neighbor said: "I saw you cutting yards with that small lawnmower and I thought you could use a real one." Then one of my dad's friends gave me an Echo weedeater.

Also, keep putting money back into the business. The reward will be greater in the future if you do so.

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