The Pain We Go Through

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It is widely known that many women will cut themselves to deal with pain, specifically depression.

However, I believe it isn't known how men deal with the same. I hope that this can show that men are no different in that we at times struggle with pain, such as depression.

I have seen man do different things to deal with pain. A common method is to express anger through physical avenues. This includes: punching walls or doors, pushing people, or using a knife to stab an object. Another method is totally opposite. This would be internalizing the pain, blaming themselves for all of it, and allowing themselves to be a punching bag for others. I mean this in a literal and figurative way. Both these methods are common but unhealthy for the body and/or mind.

Many men are told not to cry by their fathers. That is shows weakness. That is means you are a wimp. However, this is one of the best methods of dealing with pain. I personally don't mind pain but you shouldn't put your self in a unnecessary situation where you feel pain that otherwise was not there. Pain shouldn't be totally hidden or totally expressed. I as the song states like to cry in the rain or alone.

A Young Man's Thoughts and ReflectionsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang