Finding the Right Person

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If you read every chapter before this you know about controlling emotions and how love is more that just emotion.

How do you find the right person?

I have one word for you: Dating

There are different reasons and types of dating.

You might date someone just because they are fun to be with. 

Another reason to date is to actually find out what values and qualities you are looking for in a potential girlfriend/boyfriend. 

You might date to find out more about a a person you want to marry.

  Lastly, dating can be a transition between being friends to getting married.  

I suggest asking yourself:

Does this person always encourage you?

Do they warn me not to do something stupid or something I will regret?

Are they interested in me or what I can give them?


I was thinking over this chapter further and recently I believe that I have found the right person for me.

I have noticed that that one person that is right for you effects you emotionally and mentally. By this I mean that you feel comfortable being open with all your flaws and gifts. They never judge you. They like you the way you are.

They are sometimes the only one that can help you change and make your life better! 

You will have a strong connection with this person. When they are around you feel complete; on the other hand when they are away, you feel like half of yourself is missing. You will be able to sense their feels without asking. You will know exactly how to help them. 

As for women they are not looking for just a man! They are looking for a father, to be clear someone to take the place of their father! Men should first find some kind of work before dating or getting married!

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